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List Your Daily Schedule Next Semester


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Wake up at 5:30

hit snooze until 6:10

school from 6:55 to 2:00

Procrastinating from 2 to 8

start on one question on HW

procrastinate more

10:30 rush to finish that one piece of HW

11:30 go to sleep

Wake up at 5:30

hit snooze until 6:10

school from 6:55 to 2:00

Procrastinating from 2 to 8

start on one question on HW

procrastinate more

10:30 rush to finish that one piece of HW

11:30 go to sleep

Wake up at 5:30

hit snooze until 6:10

school from 6:55 to 2:00

Procrastinating from 2 to 8

start on one question on HW

procrastinate more

10:30 rush to finish that one piece of HW

11:30 go to sleep

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The fewest hours I work in a week is about 50 and my average work week is 60hrs+ and I have college classes that takes up another 15 - 20 hours a week.

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Next Semester:




9 - 10am Class

11am - 7pm Work



9 - 10am Class

Break until 2pm - 8pm Two Classes (THree hours each)


Wednesday: Same as Tuesday




9 - 10am Class

2 - 4pm Class


Friday: 8 - 4pm Work


Saturday: 7 - 3pm Work


Sunday: 1 - 4pm Church


** Usually all the time in between is either going to be spent studying or going out with g/f.


**My Chinese class at 9am forces me to be at school so dang early. AHHH.... If not, I'd be at school around 2pm and I would have had Monday's and Friday's off.

Edited by UkJenT

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8am-ish - get to work (no one is there to know if I am on time or not)

2:30-4pm-ish - leave work (again, no one there to know)

3-4:30pm - get home, do whatever I feel like :)



Do whatever I feel like doing


My schedule is very relaxed, as you can probably tell. My job is very relaxed, and I am salaried so it makes no difference to my paycheck if I leave early or stay the full 8 hrs. :)

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I do the same thing everyday:



Search local hospitals for a job

More housework

Bug D3

Stay up late chatting on OCC



Thats pretty much it.....left out a few things here and there..but thats the main jist of it :P

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My days are pretty much like this:


6am: wake up, shower, eat

6:45: catch bus

7:25: school

2:06: come home

2:06-10PM: do what ever I want, soon to be a job



1:00AM: Go to sleep, or nap, whatever you want to call it

10:30AM: Get up, shower, eat

11:00-1AM the next morning: Do whatever I want/planned


Rinse and Repeat.


Pretty boring huh?

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8am-ish - get to work (no one is there to know if I am on time or not)

2:30-4pm-ish - leave work (again, no one there to know)

3-4:30pm - get home, do whatever I feel like :)



Do whatever I feel like doing


My schedule is very relaxed, as you can probably tell. My job is very relaxed, and I am salaried so it makes no difference to my paycheck if I leave early or stay the full 8 hrs. :)




where do you work?? cause that sounds awsome!!



at school for 7:50

get home at 4, practice sax, then lesson untill 5:15


tuesday at school for 7:30 get home at 4 then do w/e i want *yay*


wednesday at school for 8:45 (no band!!!) get home at 5 if i'm lucky :(


thursday at school for 7:30, get to work at about 4:30 work from 5 - 7:15 then go home


friday at school for 7:30 get home at 4


saturday work from 9-1 instructing swimming then 1-2 everyother week lifeguarding and 2-4 every week guarding.


sunday w/e i want to do!!

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Let's see what I've got.



7:20-7:30 - Wake up and Get ready for school

7:35-2:35 - School

2:45-5:00 - Cross-Country/Track Practice (Depending on the season)

5:15-Sleep - Eat, Homework, Play Games, Browse OCC, and do anything else


Weekends have no definite schedule for me. Usually track and cross-country meets during the seasons, but in off seasons I usually just sleep in and hang out with friends.

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