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QueenzPCfreak90 Posted Today, 01:54 PM

yo man wats ur problem cant u get along i havnt said one thing bad bout u god im only 15 dang give me a break man i dont got a job to buy the best parts or stuff like that but atleast i try ur an adult u got the ability to do more than me jeez


Listen...I am going to let you sit there and think of what you've said, ok? To me you're sounding Contradictive. I don't have a problem, but when it comes to people saying that they'll rip off family to make a dollar but turn around and say to one of our most trusted members here in OCC that you don't trust him because you think that he'll Rip you off is down right disgusting. Being 15, 25, 35, 45 years old...don't matter.


sorry Silkster, I know that you can speak for yourself but I feel the need to speak my mind here. Back to the Thread.

Edited by Psycho_Active

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yo man wats ur problem cant u get along i havnt said one thing bad bout u god im only 15 dang give me a break man



Don't ever use your age to justify your actions, especially when your considering screwing over you family :angry2: Ooh wow your 15 good job, are you proud of yourself?





Anyways, your best bet is to ebay it as already said.

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yo man wats ur problem cant u get along i havnt said one thing bad bout u god im only 15 dang give me a break man i dont got a job to buy the best parts or stuff like that but atleast i try ur an adult u got the ability to do more than me jeez



So just because somebody has the ability to make money that gives you the right to rip people off????


BooHoo!!! Somebody has something I don't and that entitles me to it!!!! Waaahhhaaa!!!


15 or not if my kids EVER tried something like that I'd B!tch-slap them 5 ways to Thrusday.


So you're disabled? You can't make money? How about mowing lawns, raking leaves, shoveling snow?


No wait!!! I have a better idea!!! I'll rip off family members!!!


Just save time and go on welfare now. Since you're entitled to a free ride.


Also, before you talking about people being dumb you might want to grab a dictionary.


One more thing...thanks for the heads up on your selling practices. :lol:


BTW Happy New Year!!!!!

Edited by stitch_626

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Eh, so what if you're 15? If you know how to build PC's you can make quite a bit of cash offering those services. Just charge like $100 to build a PC with Windows and some anti-virus and anti-spyware stuff. Easy money.


:withstupid::withstupid::withstupid::withstupid: Yes..Absolutely. Use some of your knowledge to work on other People's Compy's... IS what I do for spare cheese.

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