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What you know of me? You know nothing about me


Lemme try and explain the situation then feel free to pass judgement.


I was 16 at the time and my girlfriend of the time was 18.

I stayed round hers one thing led to another blah blah blah...

She assured me you couldn't get pregnant from taking the pill.

Being 16 i believed her, why shouldn't i? Y would she want a kid at 18?

We split up a couple of weeks later.

A month goes.. she tells me she's pregnant, ask's me to go down there.

Go to hospital with her find out its true.

I'm scared, pissed off, jeeez i had just had my 17th birthday! This is the last thing i want.

1st thing i do is tell my parents,

Dad basically hates me now... ""After seeing his successful son ruin his life""

Once the proud father of a son who's making his way in the I.T industry..

Now a soon to be Grandad at 46. Shame of the family i guess i am now..

Mum accepts it but warns me of how tough its going to be. and tells me she's there for me and will support me.


And yeah i guess all this happened because i trusted someone, who "took the pill"

I have serious doubts now whether she actually did or not.. Actaully 95% sure she didn't. But hey thats a story for another time.


Now she is keeping the kid and what i or anyone else say wont change her mind.


So the only thing i can really do is support the kid as much as i can and try and be a good dad, by paying matenience and seeing him.


So basically im not ready for parenting but i haven't got a choice in the matter, So i have to deal with it.


Feel free to judge...


**My life situation**


Work 8am - 4:30pm

College once a week (friday's)

Start driving lessons after New Year

Live at home with mum and brother.


**And yea i decided to reply in the end :D**


And for the record i have a little pepper under my nose  :lol:



Bah, while I can't say "Don't worry".. I've been down your road, same age and everything. All I can say is work along aside with her @ all times, don't ever mistreat her ect..


:thumbs-up: I think you would do somewhat OK.

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Red, KB, whats done is done. You guys can sit here and tell him he soulda done this and he shoulda done that, but he cant go back in time, he can only worry about the here and now.


The kid lives with mom, whats he going to do? Call her up and say "you know, ive been thinking, maybe we should put the kid up for adoption and these are the reasons why"?


If its anything like my case, she would immediaely turn it around and say "you just dont want to pay child support, you dont want to be in the kid's life, blah blah"


Its all poison. He is stuck. He has absolutely no pull on this thing and no court in the world will give him custody unless he can prove she is super-unstable and perhaps a crack-whore.


Let the kid figure things out in his head, its a very stressful, painful time.

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Red, KB, whats done is done. You guys can sit here and tell him he soulda done this and he shoulda done that, but he cant go back in time, he can only worry about the here and now.


The kid lives with mom, whats he going to do? Call her up and say "you know, ive been thinking, maybe we should put the kid up for adoption and these are the reasons why"?


If its anything like my case, she would immediaely turn it around and say "you just dont want to pay child support, you dont want to be in the kid's life, blah blah"


Its all poison. He is stuck. He has absolutely no pull on this thing and no court in the world will give him custody unless he can prove she is super-unstable and perhaps a crack-whore.


Let the kid figure things out in his head, its a very stressful, painful time.




but the kid is NOT born yet (at least he's not said it it has been). and true, I would have a tough time not being in my child's life, BUT I would also feel much better knowing that someone who is able to give my child everything he / she needs is doing so. but these are just other things for him to think about. he can still choose to do what ever he wants. and no matter what he chooses to do, good luck to everyone involved.

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Forgive me if im in the wrong place but...

At 28 I was diagnosed with FAP, stage 3 colo-rectal cancer. I recently (last Friday got my 3rd surgery) still getting chemo-radiation (1 year already) havent been able to work in nearly 2 years due to my condition (very week bad memory & many side effects from the chemo, pain) I have worked for 15 years as a steel worker\supervisor for a well known construction company. I have almost all the work credits to retire right now if I had the age (but im only 30) and Social Security tells me I don

Edited by TRex

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so we are whining about whiners? makes sense. anyways, here is a nice little snippet off of a site where i used to play. i kinda like its message. it fits in here, somehow.



We're not a hand-holding, smurf-following mud with a newbie-school, recall skill or a donation room where My Little Pony comes to your aid and Trollocs are wussies. It's a rough, tough world out there, but it's pure adreneline, and a ton of fun.

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Then would you mind telling us the good things about you?



So you can judge me?




I feel i can provide for him, and i intend on doing so.

Im sure in some cases adoption is the best idea, and bigred i know you have more life experience than me, and you have seen the affects of bad parenting.


And only time will tell if i have made the right decision.


:foldon: And Merry Christmas Everyone!

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Just to point out...classy lady doesn't really have a say in whether the baby could be put up for adoption. He also said that the mother wants to keep the baby so he is stuck. Telling him he should put it up for adoption is not really an option when he won't have custody. I also don't like whiners.


Merry Christmas everyone. Good luck to you classy lady in school and with the baby situation.

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