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To My Fellow Occers...


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General: Not everything will go your way. As for forum dummies as Air said, we will always have those.


Your a good person and shouldn't leave, Suck it up man...

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okay so what are you complaining about then?  your thread is 3 days old and you're whining because it gets neglected by all of the other posts?  well i'm sorry but that's just what happens man.  i've had countless threads get bumped down by others which i might be a little mad about but i'm not going to consider it other people's faults. 



only my "pointless" topics (like the "shakira blows" one) ever gets a lot of hits. Here's a list of some of my topics over the last couple of weeks that I REALLY needed help with and got NO replies to:








So yeah, there are several threads that get "ignored" not just your's, and IMO, mine were a lot more serious than a "help me with my mod" thread.

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Its just that there are other communities out there that where topics that matter get talked about...


Its more about what I want in a communitie... OCC might fit for some of you guys but its just not what it was when I joined...


I told a few people about this, there are more posts in the General forums in one day then there are in other forums in a whole week..


Frankly that should tell people something lol...


I plan on working on my case over at TBCS foruns, http://www.thebestcasescenario.com/


I can get more help with it there then anywhere else..


Im going to also try and Jumpstart VO, going to try and get in contact with nuclear...

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D  R  A  M  A  !




Its just that there are other communities out there that where topics that matter get talked about...


I never know what people expect when they make posts like yours anyways. "Here's a pic of my case, and some in-game shots and logos.... what should I do next?" A mod kind of loses its impressiveness when you have to ask for it.... and loses impressiveness even more when you ask someone else to do it for you. When I saw your post, I didn't really understand what you wanted, other than maybe a "cool idea, now get to work".


Its more about what I want in a communitie... OCC might fit for some of you guys but its just not what it was when I joined...


If it's not working for you then so be it, go where you're happy. But there's no need to post a hollow criticism like this and ask everyone for apologies. You complain about all the off-topic stuff, and yet you're repeatedly there yourself, and hardly ever making truely worthwhile contributions. The scent of hypocracy is strong on your recent posts. If you really want to "fix" these problems and not just complain and whine, then a good first step might be to stop contributing to them. <shrug>


Or you could leave.... it's up to you.

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here's a case

here's a picture of a model aeroplane?

here are some graphics/logos from a game...


now make me a case design cos i don't know what to do...




(2 days later)





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here's a case

here's a picture of a model aeroplane?

here are some graphics/logos from a game...


now make me a case design cos i don't know what to do...




(2 days later)






:withstupid: excellent summary, hardnrg. That's basically what I was saying, but you have a better way with words ;)

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