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To My Fellow Occers...


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I think its come to a time where I havent seen much from the community I left several months ago... Respect is an issue still on both sides, I am guilty of it, but others are guilty of not respecting me... Frankly OCC still dosent welcome my sarcastic comments either. I use humor alot, most of the time it gets me in trouble or people dont think serious of me...


I have been doing alot of thinking, and I think its best that I take a break from this already overpopulated community... My views and ideals dont seem to clash with everyone around here.... Frankly I could give a crap what you guys think of me... Your all internet "buddies", and not real friends... Dont get me wrong I have enjoyed the 3 years I have been here. Its been a fun and bumpy ride... I think the time has come though for me to part and continue with different communitys out there... Ive enjoyed talks with alot of you... But frankly when someone cant freely voice their opinions or crack jokes about something then I dont see it to be a fair and just community....



I know alot of you think badly of me because of things I have done or said. Frankly as badger would say it I was "immature", but who isnt immature? Lets take some people for example. Big Red, Spends more then my teenage sister on crazy investments. Badger has been knowen to look up cartoon animal pron. :-X... Lo has been knowen to make some sarcastic comments, as much as I have... Frankly we are all immature no one will ever be fully mature...



Frankly I have enjoyed the 3 years I have spent here... I have talked to alot of members that have moved on and they too have said they left under similar circumstances... Frankly Respect is an issue on all internet forums. I think the bigger they are the worse they get. I know, I know I am guilty of not respecting others around me, but its kinda hard to respect someone when they dont respect you back...


With this said, I will be taking a leave once again from OCC, I hope the new moderation staff will be able to clean some of the stuff up, but im pretty suire it will be in vein... OCC just has growen to big and there isnt enough staff to help...


D3 even said himself that occ has become to big for the moderation staff that is onboard.. Frankly for every 100 active users you should have 1 moderator...


I will be checking up on the forums time to time, but dont expect alot of posting to be done....



I also find it frustrating when I post a serious topic about a mod that I am looking for help with and im willing to pay people to help, get bumped down to a thread that is asking oh im going to mod my computer by putting some lights in it... Frankly thats not modding imo... Some topics are just getting a little stale for my taste too, which is another reason why im leaving.... But when a serious worklog gets passed up by a topic on such lower qualitys is pretty sad...


Only 1 reply from someone.. :-/ I thought people would of been excited...



Anyways... Im sorry for those I have hurt, but I would also like to hear people apologize for hurting me... Those people know who they are... You can do it in a PM if you like.


Anyways guys Take care good luck whatever happens...

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I too miss the old days from time to time. I have no beef with, and respect you general.


"The world changes Han. You can't stop it. You can't fight it. And you can't ever, ever turn it back."




Thanks for the nice words... Its nice to know someone out there cares :P... Alot of you guys I loved talking with over the past few years. But I need a change I got several projects comming up I want to do, and also a new job that might require alot of my time... So its not just a oh OCC is horible now thing... I would of stayed but theres alot in my life to that is going on...

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I've never had anything personal against you, General...just your politics. We both crack sarcastic jokes that don't always get perceived in their intended context on the other end of the line, but I guess that's the downside to cracking jokes on a forum and cracking jokes in real life. :( Adios.

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See ya man.


I do find something interesting about the whole mod thing...


GameFAQs always has a few thousand people on. They've got 3 admins that are very active, and 100 mods that are pretty active. They keep the idiocy rate down on the non-game-related boards very well, and keep it down OK on the game boards.


OCC has way less boards than GameFAQs. I think OCC would benefit from getting a lot more mods, and a few more very active admins.

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I don't think Occ is overpopulated, theres a select few people who put enough dedication to post contributions everyday. I must agree that a lot of people that come here are n00bs that ask a single question about a problem they have, and then leave.


I haven't gotten to really know you general, but good bye.

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I've never had a problem with you, I don't even really know what you are talking about.  Like you said, we are internet buddies.  Water off your back my friend!


I too am not quite sure what brought this on exactly. The topic you posted about your COD mod, you ask for graphic artists to help you out. You ever think that maybe even us "graphic artists" aren't talented enough to draw such an elaborate sketch for a side of a case? None of us are professionals, and even if we had the skills, we most likely wouldn't have the time for such a complicated project. Yeah, I could have said "wow, cool idea, but I can't help you," but would that have been any better?


And as for your previous topic about your letter to your principal that got locked. I was the one the got it locked, and as I tried to tell you twice, it was NOT because of anything you said, it was because of something someone else posted. You seemed to think the mods were censoring you, but that wasn't the case. BUT if a topic gets locked and you don't know why, then PM a mod and ask them, don't create a new topic to question the locking.


Anyways, I don't think we ever clashed; if we did, I apologize for my part in it.


I won't say good bye though, just "ttyl" because I know you'll be back ;)

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okay so what are you complaining about then? your thread is 3 days old and you're whining because it gets neglected by all of the other posts? well i'm sorry but that's just what happens man. i've had countless threads get bumped down by others which i might be a little mad about but i'm not going to consider it other people's faults.


i don't know, maybe it's just a lack of maturity, however i liked you while you were still here, i never had a problem with you. honestly if you just want attention then you're trying for it the wrong way.


what confuses me is that you do actually have some decent ideas for that case however you can't draw it out? 90% of the time when i do a concept design for a case, it gets changed. my best bet to you is just to start from scratch, and just try each of those ideas until you get it to a point where you're bored with it, or you're happy with the way it is.


and what is the deal with bigred? why should you have a problem with that? he owned a store(s)/franchise/whatever and he got a lot of extra parts from that. as far as i know he didn't spend much money at all. and what does it matter to you? he could just have enough money to do that kind of stuff. again, what does it matter to you?


and again with the maturity issue. if you feel that you aren't getting the respect that you deserve, who gives a .? i'm not really close to anyone on this forum however it doesn't bother me. more and more people join every day and sometime forget who's been here longer, but that doesn't really matter either.


if you say you have a problem with not having enough mods, then why not volunteer yourself to be one? i'm sure d3 or lp would consider it, or, would have considered it.


and again...this is an INTERNET FORUM. there are going to be dummies. i'm sorry, it's going to happen. there isn't an age limit. there will be 9 year olds coming on here and annoying the piss out of us. you're probably thinking i'm one of them. however i'm just giving you what i think. i am just voicing my opinion, which you seem soooo restricted to be able to do.

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