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George W. Bush


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You're a dousche.... you dont even know what you're talking about...

first off, noob comment is a stupid word... stfu and boss me up....

2nd of all, if you knew your history, you'd be an idiot to stick up

for dictatorships, communisms, and terrorist countries who defy

the US... seriously just slap yourself now.... It's called entertainment

for a reason... its a story that someones telling through live pictures

to push a point on someone, but you're the only idiot who doesn't

realize its just a story....

"OMG Americans made this they are so evil!!!"

seriously you've got to be retarded....

You take the ground rules for freedom and equality in this word and

you get the USA.... It's prospered in about 300 years farther than

any other country so they get jelious and they make us look evil,

while they themself do not have the freedoms we have....


Basicly what Im trying to say is here in America we get ahead by looking

at ourselves and making what we have better....


Other countries (mostly in the middle east and crappy places like france) need

to get ahead by lieing, oppression of their own people and other peoples

and trying to keep the power structure limited, then they look at the US

and see a gold mine and they make themselves look like the victims and not

the victimizers.....



a few mins after I posted this, some guy on a shout box I goto said:

"Pete: thats right kiddies, the entire mass of the worlds problems comes down to one fact: MTV Shows Too Much "Qu**r" ..

You heard it first on deftone.tk

posted on: 4/7/2003 2:34:08 PM"


This guy hates me and the only reason he put that was to some how make himself feel

better by apposing me, but I just thought it was funny how on here one guy is blaming the

worlds evil on TV, and somewhere else a Canadian is making the idea sound completely stupid

(though I never blamed the worlds evil on MTV, I just merely said we should go around slapping people

who act retarded and pretty soon mtv will quit showing retards and start showing me slapping them...)

Edited by VolcomPimp

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I began this thread because I wanted clear concise reasoning as to why people dislike him. If you have problems with his economic views or his opposition to abortions, then I wanted to hear you out and see your side of the story. I didn't ask for some foreigner fanboy to come on here and start throwing mud at the USA. You never stated anything about Bush. You said how the USA is so evil and is trying to conquer the world...


Also, what exactly do you consider a noob comment anyway? You seem to overkill with that word. You use it very loosely and quite often. Usually noob's to using the word noob have that problem.


But anyway, even though I did in fact start this thread that in no way means I have to eat whatever is said in here. Just because it's shoved in front of my face doesn't mean I have to consume it. That seems to be your approach to American television. But here's an all new point-of-view. A whole new way of thinking. It will revolutionize entertainment for all foreigners who dislike American television...Turn it off! If you don't like what you see, change channel, turn it off, get off your . and do something with your life. Nobody is making you sit there and swallow what the TV spits at you. That's what a remote control is for. If you think our movies suck, then don't watch them! If you dispise us that much, boycott our products. Don't but Coca-Cola, don't drink our beer, don't watch our TV, don't watch our movies. Here's a big one for you, don't buy our computer products!!! So no more Intel, AMD, or anything American made...If you're not willing to make that kind of sacrifice, then you've shreded your own credability to pieces.

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********* QUOTE *************


Just wondering about something: I know many people dislike him, I'd just like to know your reasons behind it. You know, the justifications behind disliking him. Now I'm looking for serious stuff, legitimate reasons you have against him.


So if you disagree with topics like invading Iraq, I'd like reasons behind your disagreement. Know what I'm saying?


$$$$$$$ QUOTE $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ A NOOOOOB COMMENT $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$


It's all about the relative threat to the US and our interests... By seeking the greatest good for us and our allies, sometimes some groups (Palestine) have to be put on the back burner for a while. We need Middle Eastern allies (Isreal) and non-hostile, dictator-free nations (the reformatted Iraq) on top of the oil that fuels the US and our overly luxurious way of life. You can't be on top without bustin a few heads... and I would certainly give my life to see that this country stays on top.


********************** I say...to hell with this *****************************************


But what did you want to know ............... ? You have started this, now you have to eat it.

If you read what I wrote, you will notice that I have respect for any Technical/Intellegent person, does not matter where on this earth, BUT a certain kind of  "Democrat/NOOOB", originating from America mainly, is posing a serious thread to all of us......you don't have to be Einstein to see it coming.


If you Americans, want other people to have more respect for you, you must stop feeding us sick shows and movies........That is a reflection of what is going on in your minds, and apparently most of you enjoy it.

Your country is full of chaos itself.......If I watch CNN/FOX etc


I stick to what I have said......Dont worry about the grammar, .....it does not change the circuimstances.

By the way, in a way I have nothing against Bush, but certainly against his 1st line of advisors.


/////////////////////////////////////////////////  9/11 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////


I hate to say this......BUT no war will be as spectacular as 9/11 was........................They got YE !!




What turned the scale finally for me as a human being, was the photos of woman+children+old people

wounded/scarred by the Americans.....................That was it............. America is as guilty as sin!



From reading your posts i just realized your not worthy of posting a response to, therefore the only thing i am willing to eleberate on is the fact that YOU ARE AN IDIOT. Im ashamed too have wasted this much energy typing a response to your thread already! :angry::angry::angry:

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I seriously had a hard time responding to his posts because it's like

trying to talk to a retard... You cant understand what they are saying

and they are too stupid to come up with any inteligent responces...

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  • 2 weeks later...

i really never unstood peoples beef with bush...


clinton was a fag (how did a adulter (lewinsky), traitor (china nuke tech), and corrpted (enron, etc) get to be prezident? who knows)


and gore got drunk after the election (that tells you a lot)


i think hes just a scapegoat for ppl...


clinton screwed up the econmy, and bush came in right as it started downhill... so stupid people start pointing the finger without real facts...


i also wonder why ppl blame bush for the war (oil, finishing fathers job, etc) ITS NOT BUSH'S WAR! dont you know what a democracy is? no one side of the government has absolute power. in order to go to war, people YOU voted for had to agree.


bush is definately someone to be respected, he has the guts to profess and live out his faith to the nation, to kick saddam's @$$ when the UN was too afriad, to put WHATS RIGHT above everything else...



ppl should wise up :blink:




as to izz's comment...


frankly, im shocked that people as shallow as you exist!


if you want to talk about how 'we are all robots' to our country, then look around you! the idea that America is a big stupid bully is everywhere, so having that view is anything but original. yoiu cant base opinions on retarded shows like jerry springfield... that is not real life. you base your opinion on a very small percentage of people who are complete dumbasses... but then again, all coutries have dumbasses. your view of americans is that were rich, snobby, and stupid... most americans dont live a life of luxury, we dont take crap from ppl like saddam, and we have the most advancted technology in the world. from what you say, it seems like you are from a palistinean country, where the television is run by the government and all they put up is 'america is bad, hate them'...


the media is ANYTHING but government pleasing... that is the whole point of a free country!


your skewed vision of america is based on lies and things out of context...


the media sells what ppl want to see, they sell violence, death, war. if all they showed of the war was a bunch of alive civilians, then it wouldnt be interesting to ppl. all you see is death, and how 'bad' america is, then you assume that death is the case for the other thousands of civilians in iraq



one other thing, 9/11 wasnt a war. it was a massacre of innocent people by a cowardly dumbass. if you call that 'spectacular'... well your one sick dumbass, besides, we kicked osamas . so bad after that, it doesnt even compare to 9/11



go to france, they like ppl like you (and the white flag waving really gets you buff!) :P

Edited by Mercury

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And which nation supplies the most foreign aid, which nation provides the world defense of freedom, which nation feeds the world's poor and which nation is the number one contributor to the United Nations, which

nation leads the world in individual charity?


If you weren't so steeped in hate for the country that allegedly gave you an education and protected your right to make an . out of yourself in public, you would see that the immigration numbers indicate an inflow

of people, and that the US is the most charitable nation in all of history. (the world is jelouse of what the US stands for) Non can match the might of the USA


But you don't want to know that; you would rather bite the hand that feeds you so you can blame the USA for your own personal failures.


If we closed our support to the world tomorrow and our borders the world would be in termoil.. Country's like russia,France,Germany Have forgotten who saved there collective asses numorous times in the past. All of this is against terrorisom and mass murder of whole civilizations.

Do you realize how many Kurds Suddahm mass murdered maybe not as many of the Jews that Hitler did but the world closed an eye to him we will not close another eye to this kind of nonsence again.. The UN failed the world the USA did not And Bush Has done what the rest of the world should have..I don't agree with all of Bush's policies But at least I have the right to disagree it's called freedom. Read up on it sometime it's an interesting concept.



Edited by YODA74

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For the oil and
America DOES NOT get it's oil from Arab nations 80% of our oil come from South America (Venezualia) only 20% comes from the Saudies..Europe gets all there oil from Arab Nations (get your facts straight)This is just the problem....Nations think they ....MUST.... solve other nation's problems.


Were not trying to solve anyone's problem the problem is going after terrorists that Hit our country and any country harboring them is a target..And if it was not for the US Europe would be in a world of shitt. We were asked to help out during Hitler other wise we would have told Europe to crap off. Hitler was not our problem but he was europes. So we abliged and bailed there asses out. And lost a lot of good men and women in the process.


You just want to antaginize people becouse you are a sorry sack of shitt..Why don't you find a forum in the country you are in and visit it. or is the country and people to stupid to have one. or are you really in the US and are just a lost liberal that voted for Clinton and Gore and know the Democrates don't have a shot in hell of getting elected the next time around???

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