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Prussian Blue


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I saw something today that scared me.


I was reading The Times supplement Times2 and they had a short piece that two sisters in a group called 'Prussian Blue' had an interview dropped from 'Teen People' magazine because the wording of the interview couldn't be resolved... I belive it was a debate over wether the words 'Nazi' and 'White supremacy' should be used, also the girls refer to black and asian people as 'muds' (sic @ harry potter...). This took me by surprise as it was accomanied by a picture of two sweet, innocent looking girls, but on closer inspection they were wearing t-shirts with what can only be described as 'smiley Hitlers' on them.

This grabbed my attention particularly because I'd only the other day watched 'American History X'. I looked around the net and it seems they sing songs about 'white supreamacy' and the qualities of people like Hitler and Rudolph Hess.

This can't be all of their own opinion, hence the paralell to American History X... Somewhere along the line these opinions must have been introduced to them (probably by their parents).

I want to start out by saying that using these girls as a tool to spread the word of neo-naziism make me sick.

If you visit their website (http://www.prussianblue.net/) You'll be able to find links to other pro-nazi and white supreamicist sites (http://www.w-a-u.net/), as well as the song lyrics and other content, which I personally find quite disturbing. I know that at that age I had also formed strong views on perhaps controversial subjects, but this is far beyond that.


This got me thinking and wondering how far this problem is spread throughout the world... specifically the US, UK and Europe...

I'm of course referring to the general problem of racism, not just racism by white people. The problem exists across the baord, I speak from personal experience.

If there is really a culture like that which is depicted in American History X, and it is active on this kind of level, in my opinion some serious butt-whoopin is in order.


I know of several people who are racist to some degree (and before you make an assumption they are not all white) but I've never known anyone who is to a degree where they actually admire the Nazi way of thinking. Does anyone here have experience of this?


I know that racism is inherant in any society, due to the simple fact that we don't trust people who are different. We can't help that, it's part of our human nature, and I knew obviously about neo-nazis, kkk, white supremacists, and the mirror of those groups, but I never realised this sort of thing has broken out from the underground.


I think that this is an issue that needs to be discussed, and we shouldn't be afraid to talk about it. I would really like to hear your views.


(sorry this post is a little incoherant in places, but i'm tired :P)

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I believe all people should be treated fairly. I don't lable people as black, white, asian or whatever I lable us all under what we are HUMAN....


Wow. Now if only the other BILLIONS of people in the world thought the same way.


Say what you want we're all predjudiced. Note predujice is not racism.


I believe there are pieces of poop in every culture, race society and country in the world.


The people you're speaking are racial extremists. I personally think they're just stupid and follow a gullable belief that someone put into their heads.


Kinda reminds you of religion doesnt it? Seriously, how many wars were started of religious extremists being predjudiced towards one another? Eh, maybe I'm just nuts.


I say screw it all, lets swear off religion and breed inter racially and inter religiously! That way theres no more predjudice in the world! Woohoo! That must be the meaning of life huh?

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Religon is cause for most of the violence in this world. And there all ridicuously insane. None of the religions out there are logically possible to even come close to a conclusion to how we became here. THere all just "theroies" on how we got here. Humans have an instinct that they have to know and the religion they come up with are just freakin incredulous on how life started.

Edited by Mr.Who?

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No matter how much you wish, race divisions will always be around. Even during the Civil Rights period, the lighter blacks were seen as a higher class than teh darker blacks (From the book, Black Like Me Non-Fiction).


Prussian Blue was featured on ABC Primetime some while ago...

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I saw a story about this on one of thoes dateline or extra type shows or something, their mother is their "manager" and is puttign such crap in their heads, their father recently sued for custody, and will likely win.


They also showed "a vilonet video game" that they were playing, and of course the media took this as a way to make voilent games in general look bad, but besides that the game was basicaly a white neo-nazi guy shooting blacks and hispanics, and them talking about how they 'know the enemy is near by the gorilla noise they make' followed by a comment similar to 'becase that's what they sound like in real life.'


So yeah it makes me sick that someone like this would be so stupid as to brainwash her own daughters into thinking this way.


too bad these little girls are so far gone their dad doesnt have a chance in hell of bringing them back into reality, sounds like it's time to send the to a school in the gheto and see how long their bs lasts. I'm willingto bet they get killed b4 they stop, but whatever, their mother sure would deserve it more...

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I believe all people should be treated fairly. I don't lable people as black, white, asian or whatever I lable us all under what we are  HUMAN....


Religon is cause for most of the violence in this world. And there all ridicuously insane. None of the religions out there are logically possible to even come close to a conclusion to how we became here. THere all just "theroies" on how we got here. Humans have an instinct that they have to know and the religion they come up with are just freakin incredulous on how life started.


Can you say hypocrit? Why don't you step off your pedastel there eh? You say everyone should be treated fairly when it comes to race, but you certainly don't mind seperating people out because of religion do you?


The fact is, everyone has their little prejudices. It used to be race in the US, but that was made illegal. Now the main prejudices seem to be headed toward religion and reverse racism.

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too bad these little girls are so far gone their dad doesnt have a chance in hell of bringing them back into reality, sounds like it's time to send the to a school in the gheto and see how long their bs lasts. I'm willingto bet they get killed b4 they stop, but whatever, their mother sure would deserve it more...



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