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Socket 939 Oc Competition (single/dual)


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hope it does, you getting the 146 or 148? anyways hope it comes out good, i think i may need to see wtf is up with my system, it cant even go past post with a dividor lol, eh i guess ill stay @ 3ghz for now.

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grats, but i suggest you write down your settings, and set it up to 3ghz exactly. what timings are you running, especially in your bios, details please :lol: try preamble @ 5.0 or 5.5, A64 tweaker will underread it (in my case) or over read it (hardnrgs case). and if your running tccd, have data drive and data drive strenght @ 7 & 2 (which ever has the 7, set it to 7.

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nice work ThunderChicken, my highest SPi 32M was also my highest Prime95 18-19hr stable (i got bored and cancelled before it got to 24 hours) and it ran all games and benches and everything without errors at that speed... i'd say you've got a bit more headroom because you've got a touch more vcore left to spare for air-cooling :)


lego... i dunno man... could well be some tweaking left to do with your ram and possibly you should try *lower* vcore... mine seem to do best in the 1.52-1.58 kinda range reading in cpu-z when i set ldt/chipset to 1.3/1.6 and that's how i got my max oc's on all 3 opterons... so yeah, lower vcore possibly, and memory timings, and memory-related timings

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isn't the ram rated to 2.95v? i'd try it up to 3v ... if it is less stable then back it down... for the vcore it's up to you really... i think around 1.6-1.65v actual is the point where you start to take a risk with damaging the memory controller on air cooling... even though your temps are nice, i couldn't really say it's "safe" above 1.5-1.55v in cpu-z (due to the apparent overvolt of the dfi nf4)


maybe cooling the voltage regulators (PWM) would get you some more stability... try rigging a fan up to test this out...


oh... try using the 10x multi with a 166 (5:6) divider... same speeds, same performance, sometimes more stability :D

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