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Question.. About Agp/pci Lock


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I know that it is really bad to alter the agp/pci speed.... I've heard on several tutorials that if you set your AGP speed on 67 it locks.... is this tru.. or only on a few boards?

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67 is always safe i say, but i know my board locks at 66 b/c if not than at 240fbs this computer would be rocking and smoking.


you cant get above 215 without HDD corupbtion, so if you dont know set it to 215 and see if your HDD gets data errors.

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u guys arent understanding me i guess.... on my board there is no AGP lock... and i've now read that on the nf3 250 boards.. like mine.. if u set it to 67 then that locks the AGP/PCI, which is correct because they tested it on the site i went to..

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u guys arent understanding me i guess.... on my board there is no AGP lock... and i've now read that on the nf3 250 boards.. like mine.. if u set it to 67 then that locks the AGP/PCI, which is correct because they tested it on the site i went to..



Is that a question? Set your AGP to 67 it will lock your AGP and PCI.

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The issue here is, does it lock up your system.. as in cause locking.



or is the AGP locked so that it can't be overclocked.



the point is, keep your AGP rate at 66 whatever you do, it will be stable, and you can hopefully overclock the front side bus without the video bus going up with it.

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Nforce 3 boards always lock at 66/67 thats the lock, there is nothing that will say "Lock" its gonna say 33/66 or 67 as the lowest which is what locks it.




thx.. thats what i read just wanted to confirm it...



does anyone know a program where i can see what the AGP and pci speed is?

Edited by coolahaNx

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