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Need Help !


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Hello people,

I am new to this club. And also new to assembling PCs and all - i am working on my 3rd PC now. Anyway, I changed the processor heatsink/fan in one my old machines and now the computer screen wont come up. I have a P4 2.8 Ghz processor.

All that i did was removed the old heatsink/fan, removed the processor, cleaned the processor (scrapped the old thermal paste on the processor face with a blade) and put the processor back in and connected the new heatsing/fan in the slot.

Then i booted the machine, but the monitor screen won't come up. I see the fans spinning and the lights in the cpu blinking, but no video output

I checked the monitor with another machine and it work. I use a 128 MB Radeon card to connect the monitor. I know that there's nothing wrong with my video card too. I was wondering why my computer won't boot up after changin the processor fan. Any help in this regard will be highly appreciated.


Thanks in advance,








Thanks a lot for the feedback. I tried everything that was suggested by ur comments. I cleared the cmos. I checked the pins... and i also tried booting with a different video card. And i know i have enuf power from the psu. i also took all the precautions for static. I do not what i did wrong. It is still giving the same problem....



Edited on 10/25/2005


Thanks a lot for all ur replies... Looks like i toasted my proc maybe bcos of static... i am very static prone... that cud be a very valid reason... anyway, i had a backup celeron 2.93 GHz proc and now i am up and running. Infact i was able to OC it to 3.30 Ghz...


Thanks again for all the help.



Edited by thamizhan

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when i pull my proccy out to do some AS5 work or something it will not boot either, however it will still load the BIOS screen. what has happened probably is that its either sensed that you removed it and therefore wont do anything till you clear the CMOS and try booting again.....or you killed it. also make sure your CPU power connector is connected to the board. could have been removed precaiutionary and theres no power going to it....mabye.


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Here's what you SHOULD have done:


turned off PC, unplugged it, and oppened the side pannel of the case.


remove the Heatsink (HS)


clean the new HS (even if you jsut removed the protective cover it's a good idea to clean it off anyway) and CPU with high purity alcohol (50% dollar store crap = BAD)or other approved cleaner (articsilver.com's instructions for AS5/Ceramique secton has good cleaning and thermal compound application instructions.)


you likely scratched the surface of the CPU by using a metal object to "clean" metal which will hurt heat transfer, but with a CPU that has a heatspreader, it wont kill it


Next you should have reapplied thermal compound to the CPU, mounted the HS using the provided instructions, plugged in the fan for the HS, and reassembled everything else you took apart.


We already know "something went wrong" you likely dont have very good thermal contact now, but it should still POST (show the bios screen/splash screen) So first find the clear CMOS jumper on the motherboard and jump the pins to clear it (may ahve to turn the OC on with the jumper on the other pins, may not varies by board), the start the PC.


If it works now, great. If not, plan B, while the PC is stil "running" either turn the power switch off on the back of the PSU (NOT THE RED VOLTAGE SWITCH) or if it doesnt ahve a switch, just pull the plug. Wait a good 10 seconds, plug it back in and try again. If it doesnt boot now, well I'll type more if i need to then.

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Hello cchalogamer,

i am new to assembling PCs and stuff. can you give some more tips for the situations when the CPU won't answer the motherboard calls... i tried to assemble an athlon xp 64 3700+ proc on a asus mobo. i set up everything and the mobo powers on, but no output to the monitor... i don't think that the proc is receiving any power... i checked all the cables, cpu pins and jumper settings, but nothing will work.. please help....






Here's what you SHOULD have done:


turned off PC, unplugged it, and oppened the side pannel of the case.


remove the Heatsink (HS)


clean the new HS (even if you jsut removed the protective cover it's a good idea to clean it off anyway) and CPU with high purity alcohol (50% dollar store crap = BAD)or other approved cleaner (articsilver.com's instructions for AS5/Ceramique secton has good cleaning and thermal compound application instructions.)


you likely scratched the surface of the CPU by using a metal object to "clean" metal which will hurt heat transfer, but with a CPU that has a heatspreader, it wont kill it


Next you should have reapplied thermal compound to the CPU, mounted the HS using the provided instructions, plugged in the fan for the HS, and reassembled everything else you took apart.


We already know "something went wrong" you likely dont have very good thermal contact now, but it should still POST (show the bios screen/splash screen) So first find the clear CMOS jumper on the motherboard and jump the pins to clear it (may ahve to turn the OC on with the jumper on the other pins, may not varies by board), the start the PC. 


If it works now, great.  If not, plan B, while the PC is stil "running" either turn the power switch off on the back of the PSU (NOT THE RED VOLTAGE SWITCH) or if it doesnt ahve a switch, just pull the plug.  Wait a good 10 seconds, plug it back in and try again.  If it doesnt boot now, well I'll type more if i need to then.


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