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Laptop Stuff Help


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Ok, I have this laptop now. It has an intresting story and I want to use it for something. Here is it's story:

My uncle has this house, in the back he has a bunch of stuff where he runs his gunsmithing business. The rest of the house he rents off to people who want to rent a room. This one guy just one day, just left. He cleaned out his room and took everything but this laptop. The next day, the police came to the dor looking for that guy that had left the day before. They looked at the room and my uncle said he took everything with him except the laptop. The police said that my uncle could just keep the laptop. So he kept it. Then he gave it to my Grandpa. Then my grandpa gave it to me


Well, I cant get into it, and niether could anyone else, to do anything because there is like a boot password, it says:

Enter CURRENT Password:

so when i just hit enter a few times, then it says:

Enter ROM Password:

I try to get past that, but I cant find the corect password

The computer is probably a windows, either a Windows 95 or WIndows 98. The password screen that comes up is not like a windows apssword though, it looks like it is in DOS.


The man's name is... Mejai Myrick... I dont know if i can put that here... He was a customer service guy. Worked for EDS and Anderson Financial Network Inc. He worked Christmas Eve. And he sucesfuly completed training in BVT System and procedures and related systems. ... He left a bunch of awards or certificates in the laptop case, thats how I know that.


I want to know if the BIOS Jumper thingie trick would work on this, (take ogg the jumper, connect 2 other jumpers, and put it back where it was to reset passwords on computer, it works on desktop computers) Or if there is another way to pass this password, It is the second thing that comes up, BEfroe the OS loads, the first thing is just telling all th BIOS stuff, like the copywright date and name and stuff.

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it's most likley a bios password. but I'm not sure about the rom password. on a normal mobo there is a jumper you can chnage and reseyt this info. but I dont know if there is one on a laptop. I would look up the manufacturer and see if there is any info about this in the manuel.

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lol I was modifing the post bec I wasnt finished when u posted that, mabye I can find some stuff on the BIOS somewhere on the internet.


Anyone else have an idea for me?





:ph34r: be... Ready. :ph34r:







Why isn't anyone posting!! do you just come ere and look at the length of the first post and say to yourself:


'Neaha! This post is too long for me to read. I'l be "lazy" and go read a topic with ten million one sentence posts, but not one with one 20 sentence post!'




Anyway, there are no jumpers, no jumpers at all, but I htink I can overclock it with the litle levers on it, there are 2 sets of little levers, box A has levers 1,3,4 up and lever # 2 down, and box B has levers 3, and 7 up, 1,2,4,5,6 down... 3 and 7 used to be down also, but they were moved up by the guy who owned it... I can tell bec the little plastic coating over levers 3,7 is puched up, along with the lever... There is another one of these lever contraptions on the soundcard, but none I see that could be for the BIOS... Anything else I can do??? When I take out the RAM, it says CMOS memory size mismatch... (wow... why would it do that :P) and it says Run setup Utility, but the keyboard doesn't work then




WTH!! that was realy odd!!! this computer just turned itself off, all the way off and back on and I didn't loose anything, I'm exactly where I was... I still have same windows open and I was still in mid-sentence... wow...


There is this littel chip, about 1 in. by 1/2 in. and it says "Benchmarq V2.1" yeah... I didn't need to say that, but what the heck.


Is there a way to uh... I forget the word.... The thingie you do to start your harddrive over again... ya that... is there a way to do that from the mobo?




:ph34r: Ha Be ready, There are signs telling us when they are coming. Notice them :ph34r

Edited by Aliencam

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I have pics of hte mobo and of the little lever thingies now! someone post so I can put both pics. Just say anything.





:ph34r: THEY'RE coming! :ph34r:





what the heck.. the pic didnt come up and it won't let me put in a pic when I'm just editing a post.. Its THEM!!

Edited by Aliencam

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aliencam, those dip switches may be for whatever country you are in. I remember seeing similar switches on a high-tech new digital camera, and you had to put in a different code for what country you were in for it to work =\ so that may not be a cure, but I'm not totally sure.....soo....where are the pics? if you need to upload them somewhere let me know and I'll put them on my website temporarily.

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  • 11 months later...

Hi ive heard you can remove the battery and then return it after like 24 hours and then you can bypass the bios password, but it sounds like the laptops old enough for the battery to be dead anyway. if the password is written to memory then ive also heard you cannot get past it, maybe try installing new memory and then booting up, (good luck finding memory.)

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but it sounds like the laptops old enough for the battery to be dead anyway.

Yes, but if the battery is dead, then the password shouldn't be retained. There needs to be some way to easily wipe the password.


There should be a battery somewhere on there - just like on a regular mobo - a lithium battery, possibly in a plasic holder with 2 wires coming out of it. Pull that battery and let it sit a while. Even try starting it up w/o that battery. That just might do it.


IF for some reason the password is written to an EEPROM, then still not all is lost. If the laptop is worth it, you can take it to a dealer or repair depot and see if they can remove the password.

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  • 3 weeks later...

It would probably be some help if you put in what kind of notebook it is. Then people who like problems could do some research.


However it is most likely garbage. I know on some Dell inspiron notebooks there is no way to reset the password. This is touted as a security feature. If you have it set to so you have to enter the password everytime you boot the computer then the system is unusable if stolen.

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  • 2 weeks later...

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