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Locking Fuel Doors [rant]


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Tonight I had a customer who drove a new Infinti sedan. Nice car. But, neither of us could get the fuel door open. Yes, I looked in the manual and followed instructions. Usually the button is pretty easy to find. I think she eventually called the dealer.


So who came up with this locking fuel door thing and why? It is kind of a pain for everybody.


There wouldn't by chance be an FAQ out there for all car models out there some place would there?

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Heh, when I read the topic I thought you meant locking fuel doors as you couldn't find one. I'm in NC and when the dang prices went to $3.40/gal after Katrina hit, the local auto parts stores ran out of locking gas caps.

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yeah, those locking gas caps make it so much harder to get free gas :lol::smack:



Well, it wasn't for my car but for a friend of mine. I personally wouldn't go through the trouble as if someone wants the gas that bad, they can have it.

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uhh... you are aware that LOTS of people want free gas that bad, a friend winds up spending aobut $20 a week more on gas since people syphon it... and she still tries to justify not needing a locking fuel cap....aparently it's "to expensive" :lol:

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