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Cd Drive...


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Wuz up people... This guy I know put a slightly cracked cd in his cd drive, while inside the cd drive, the cd broke completely. *skipping a bunch of useless stuff* So most of the cd parts are out of the drive, but now the drive wont stay closed. 3 Seconds after it closes it opens again. As soon as you turn on the PC, the drive opens. should i take it apart or just have him to buy another cd drive?

Thanks in advance...

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Guest Raven65

Take it apart. If you mess it up you can get a new one for about 20 bucks on my most unfavorite store. NewEgg.

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Ok...i took the thing apart, and got the rest of the pieces of the cd out then put it back together... But its still doing the same thing. As soon as i turn the pc on, the light on the cd drive comes on, and the drive opens up by itself.

Anyone have any ideas??? That 20 dollars can buy like 5 gallons of gas

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That 20 dollars can buy like 5 gallons of gas



DANG..where do you live lol. Premium is $2.67 around here. But in all seriousness... $20 bucks gets you a new CD-drive, he probably shouldnt have put a cracked CD in the drive to begin with, if a drive can cause a perfect, yet unblanaced, CD to explode...it'll definitely cause a cracked one to do the same.

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Wuz up people... This guy I know put a slightly cracked cd in his cd drive, while inside the cd drive, the cd broke completely. *skipping a bunch of useless stuff* So most of the cd parts are out of the drive, but now the drive wont stay closed. 3 Seconds after it closes it opens again. As soon as you turn on the PC, the drive opens. should i take it apart or just have him to buy another cd drive?

Thanks in advance...



It's like those old 104x cdroms that came out for a little while. Blowing up CDs left and right. Good times :P


Seriously though, take it apart and clean it. It's already skrewed, so there's no point in babying it. Just tear it down and see what you can do. If you can't fix it, you'll have to break down and spend the $20 for a new one.

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take it apart, check the little blue switch, it goes left and right, make sute it is unblocked when the trey goes over it, it moves to one side, then the other, that tells the moters when to turn on and when to turn off


:EDIT: Even if you get the tray to work properly, the disk may have scratched the optics on the reader head, if that happned, the drives shot, and thats what I tecomend you do to it, or burn it, or blow it up, no mater what you do to it, take pictures and show us.

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