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Does Todays Music Suck

LAN Party Slut

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Do you guys think todays music sucks. I was just listening to the radio and don't get me wrong I love a lot of the music thats out today but I would really like to know of some bands that have a whole differnt sound then the "punk" bands of the 60's and 70's. Do you think today's music is better than back then or worse or do you think they are all just taking the music of back then and attempting to repeat the sound??? :unsure: I can't really tell. But ne wayz if you have any bands or any comments throw something out at me why dontcha.

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I don't know that it sucks, but I think the quality of it is alot lower, just like our movies. The music put out today by the recording industry is made to make money, nothing else, which i think is unfortunate...

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To answer your question, yes music has gone down the shitter. MTV is a perfect example why music is so bad because you no longer need to be talented to be in a band just as long as you have look and appeal, like Brittney Spears and N'suck. This music is way to trendy for my tastes. MTV sucks and the radio sucks. If you want to listen to good music that isnt corrupted, try listening to independent stuff.

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To answer your question, yes music has gone down the shitter. MTV is a perfect example why music is so bad because you no longer need to be talented to be in a band just as long as you have look and appeal, like Brittney Spears and N'suck. This music is way to trendy for my tastes. MTV sucks and the radio sucks. If you want to listen to good music that isnt corrupted, try listening to independent stuff.

Dood, MTV died about 10 years ago...



Todays rock/metal music is good.. punk sucks.

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But my ? is what is independant stuff thats considerd good? I mean I agree a lot of the music on the radio sucks really bad and gets worse as the days go on but I mean some of the local stuff I hear cant be cinsiderd music and then things people used to love begin to get played on the radio *cough cough AFI cough* but u know these ppl want to get famous I dont know seems to me the only stuff I listen to now days that I ejoy is the song The Freshman and some Bif Naked songs and RX Bandits when I am in the mood. And whats up with the concerts now days (NO EXCITEMENT) I dont really enjoy watching a singer juss sit there while ppl around talk about who they forked in an elevator gwad wats happening. :rolleyes:




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To answer your question, yes music has gone down the shitter. MTV is a perfect example why music is so bad because you no longer need to be talented to be in a band just as long as you have look and appeal, like Brittney Spears and N'suck. This music is way to trendy for my tastes. MTV sucks and the radio sucks. If you want to listen to good music that isnt corrupted, try listening to independent stuff.

This is why I no longer listen to the radio. I would rather listen to

the local Jazz station....

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