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Upgrading Mine And My Son's Video Cards

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My son has a Chaintech 5700 LX that has been acting a little flakey lately. Some software won't run with it and just some other things.


I'm thinking of giving him my Radeon 9800 Pro 128 Meg. card and upgrading to this...


ATI Radeon X800 XL AGP 8X 256MB DDR3 Video Card w/HDTV-Out & DVI Retail




I don't know much about this card as I haven't done much comparison lately. Is this a pretty good jump?


Thanks in advance for any input.

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man.....some of you guys need to either learn how to spell or proofread.....lol


yes, the x800xl is a great card


depending on what you do with your card, if you want the latest features you may want to look at the 6800gt, the 6800gt and x800xl perform almost identically in most games and benchmarks, but with the 6800gt you get HDR and SM3.0 capability that you don't get with the x800xl, in other words, if a great new game came out in 6 mos that used SM3.0 for the effects, the x800xl would not be able to give as nice an image as the 6800gt.....and the x800xl is a bit more expensive, you can get a nice 6800gt for about the same price

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The X800xl does fairly well and was a big step up from my 9800pro. But my brothers 6800gt does get better frame rates in the games that we play.(Pacific fighters,Il-2,BFV.)Not a lot but enough for braggin rights. It is a good card for the money you will spend on it.

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I think you should get a 6800gt or the 7800gtx


Line Edited bc im nicer than that...EDIT:7800GTX...look who's not using his brain....


That would not only require ALOT more money, but also alot more to replace that motherboard for a PCI-e mobo...and are there even any skt 478 mobos that support PCI-e....


Of course if you did upgrade the mobo at the same time, OC a little, it would really help out performance even more :D, of course i would assume you would rater go to a full new system than upgrading skt 478.


SO im goign to vote 6800GT or x800xl, both great cards compared to your setup, and not too pricey.

Edited by cchalogamer

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