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My Friend Is Worried.


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Hopefully you all know that Raven is my dad. Well he built a computer for his buddy and now his friend is kind of freaking out. Here are the specs.



Msi k8n Neo 4 Platinum SLI

2 Gb OCZ Ram (Platinum)

Dual 120gb SaTa hd's

7800 GTX

ThermalTake xaser 3 1000

Dvd Rom

Dvd Burner

Tv Card

Windows x64 xp pro


Here is the problem, he is freaking out because it's a 64 bit Rig. He feels that it was a waste of money to build a computer that he can't get 100% out of. We do have a problem finding drivers for the tv card. it's a compro. They won't respond to our emails.

What do you guys think? Is it a waste? Or is this a kick a. system that he will enjoy once everything is working? I was hoping for some positive input, to show him that this is an awesome rig.


Thanks in Advance,


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Kick as.s system, if anything tell him its for future upgradability. i dunnue bout drivers though. tell him he won't have to buy a new comp in a longggg time. the most he would have to do is upgrade this one.

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Here is the problem, he is freaking out because it's a 64 bit Rig. He feels that it was a waste of money to build a computer that he can't get 100% out of.



Anyone who would make a statement like this doesn't deserve such a rockin system. Seems like more and more people are getting FXs and just have no clue. Just a huge waste of cash. Just get a 4000+ or something and save some MAJOR cash.

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