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Dead Mobo

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Well, yesterday my powerstream came in(awesome psu btw), and I put everything together. I actually had to take out the blowhole in my mid tower to fit the massive powerstream in :lol: . Well, I boot everything up once I make sence of the huge amount of wires, and get a "CMOS checksum error press f1 to continue of del to enter setup". K I've seen that message before, no biggie...wrong. I cant press any keys, no power to keyboard. Tried another keyboard...nothing. Reset cmos...nope...take out battery and leave it overnight. Nada. Remove the whole bios chip and let that sit seperate from the mobo - still nothing(cmos isnt technically in the bios chip, but I was getting desperate). Since the keyboards are ps/2 and the lights dont even flash during bootup I've come to the diagnosis that :


1. The bios bootscreen area got corrupted - would be no problem to reflash it if not for...

2. when the psu fried it took some important mobo circuitry with it, namely whatever chip controls keyboards.


This is the shortened version of my story(dont feel like re-writing the whole thing), but the jest of it I will dedicate as a lesson to all...DONT USE CHEAP PSU'S!!! Mine worked decent for a couple months, then slowly got worst until its untimely demise less then one year after purchase. 500watts my butt. If anyone is currently using a sub-50dollar or no-name psu, please dump it, smash it, ignite it, anything, and get a decent one ASAP. I dont want pity - I knew exactly how bad cheap psu's were - I just chose to ignore myself and take my sweet time in getting a new one. Dont make the same mistake I did. Now I have to do the embarassing act of asking my parents for money to get a mobo becuase I spent the rest of my cash on that powerstream 520. I hate being in debt.





Oh well, time to hit up the egg for another 9NDA3+ :D <-best agp 939 board IMO after two simple volt mods ;)


**edit** oh, almost forgot it took my hardcano10 with it too :lol: . Temp monitoring still works so I'm gonna take out the lcd and mount it somewhere cool as a mod to keep monitoring my gpu and get another controller. Cant have that tornado at max rpms now can we? :) **edit**

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*ahem* - clears throat - ..... "I coulda told ya so" lol. :P ..Sorry to hear man, but hey you knew the risks of a cheap psu.


*wonders off into the darkness* "I wonder when people will learn how important PSU's are to a system"

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*ahem* - clears throat - ..... "I coulda told ya so" lol. :P ..Sorry to hear man, but hey you knew the risks of a cheap psu.


*wonders off into the darkness* "I wonder when people will learn how important PSU's are to a system"


Lol, I knew completely...it was one of those "nah, that wont ever happen to me" things. Well, It happened, and took my beloved mobo with it :(. At least their price dropped to 98 bucks at the egg! :lol:

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Tsk tsk tsk, now you know what happens when you a buy a power supply that doesn't have circuit protection. :bah:

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Guest Silenc3

Its all been done, Sry to hear about your mobo still though :P

Nexttime I guess eh?

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Sorry to hear. Moral = Dont't buy cheap psu's. They cause u to have poor proformance and/or will kill ure mobo eventully. Mark down on his list of things to do when buying good comp parts to never buy a cheap psu and to always get one with good +12v rails.

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Ummm... I'm guilty of buying a 'Yum Cha' PSU :unsure:


The ONLY other local options are...


- Thermaltake 420W ATX PSU @ $100.00 AUD


- Codegen 450w


- SuperFlower 400w w/ 120mm exhaust fan


Decisions, decisions :(

Edited by tazwegion

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Hmm thats making me think that i should ditch my 400w psu that came with my 50 dollar case..... and thats 50 dollars canadian.... Um.... Only problem is, i just bought a video card off of coolzero101 and i have no moneh :(

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I was so disturbed by this thread r/t EL-cheapo PSU's killing m/boards etc. that I lashed out and purchased a Codegen 550w (dual fan) PSU ;)




Codegen you say? out of the frying pan into the fire eh? :rolleyes::P


Well this unit retails for $110.00 AUD and comfortingly has a 2 year warranty (double the usual Codegen guarantee)... anyways those occasional annoying random 're-boots' have (touch wood) ceased since I canned the PT-450w PSU (so generic... it's unlabeled! :P)


The really wierd thing about this PSU, though is it comes with an adapter to enable 20pin ATX connection from it's native 24pin :O all-in-all I happy with it anyways :D

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ah, codegen!!!!!!



jesus christ put that thing back in box and take it BACK. 1/3 of them and 1/2 of all the powmax power supplies (actually the same company CG group) died within the first 6 months. causing untold damage to other things in the process. I refused to deal with CG after that mess).

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