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Where Can I Get A Job?


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IS there ANY place where I can get a job at my age? I am 14 (15 in december) and I would like a job. I currently am payed 9 bucks an hour (-3 dollars per job) for working on computers at my parents' office. But it is, I feel, too much hassle for the money. I had to go there one morning for something that just required unplugging and re-plugging in the computer. I couldn't be paid for the 5 seconds of work and couldn't get a ride home until 6 P.M. And this same person keeps asking about software that has nothing to do with me, like conneting to a company's proprietary software. I am not able to do this and it is specific to her, so my father has to deal with that kind of stuff anyway. Does anybody know of a national chain (or chain on LI, NY) that will hire somebody of my age? Or will I have to find someplace local? I feel I have a better chance of getting one now than a few months ago, because now, I am not only 14, but I am a high school student. It just sounds better.

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I don't think anyplace that's big can hire you... not so much a matter of wanting to.


but then again putting in apps now might be a good thing. show them you're interested and show them you're motivated. should look good when you're old enough (15 I think is the min age).

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Child labor laws make the minimum as 14. Quote the US Department of Labor:



The employment of minors between 14 and 16 years of age in the

occupations, for the periods, and under the conditions hereafter

specified does not interfere with their schooling or with their health

and well-being and shall not be deemed to be oppressive child labor.



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Go to a construction site and ask them if you can work for them picking up the extra scraps of wood and stuff... they might go for that and pay you under the counter!



I got a job doing that when I was a kid and worked for a summer doing that and then when I was 17 I went back to work for the company as a Business Manager making about $25k a year + bonuses, etc. and did that for about 2 years. I recommend construction work for a young boy, because it makes a man out of you and pays pretty good too.

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i found a local place when i was 14 that hired me, the work sucked and so did the pay but i needed anything at that point


mcdonalds hires at 14, so you may want to try there and nursing homes hire at 14ish too as waiters.



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Go to a construction site and ask them if you can work for them picking up the extra scraps of wood and stuff... they might go for that and pay you under the counter!



heh i wouldnt do that, ie. what if you get killed, ie. by something falling on you? the construction guys will probably get scared and dump your body somewhere, and noone will know where you are. It is good if they like hire you normally tho.


Just get some job at like a small convenient store or whatever there is around you that says hiring. Ie. here in the far far away lands of Canadia, telemarketing was a big thing a few months ago, but at only $9.50 canadian/hour i never did it. Note: ever small grade 8 girls who looked 11 years old worked there. ^_^ and that was for some political party.

Well, moo.

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keep doing what you are doing 9$ is good money wish I made that much where I work, and you are doing something you like. Just stick with it build up a good reputation then when you go up for bigger better jobs use this as a reference.


----Or if the people dont know whats goin on with the computer, and it just needs unplugging and plugging it back it just reload it and take your time. More money that way and you wont get bored just sitting around :P

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I am actually in the process of building a server for my dad. But I will not be able to do anything until I get back from camp. I am leaving saturday and wont be back for 3 weeks (ill still post). I think i will just leave it as only apache so he will be able to use it at least a little until I return. Maybe I will get a little bit of cash out of that. He never did pay me for building it, though :(

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your a little kid, be happy they even pay you at all

remember how much your parents have paid for you through the years

the bills, cloths,food and free housing

you owe them but for some strange reason they pay you


just be happy for now

till you grow up and have to get out on your own like an adult

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he did pay for your x850xt pe didnt' he?  I'd say that has to count for something.



yea, that is a biggie. Actually, i wasn't complaining about not being paid for building the server. I built it last summer, but I am now turning it into a server. It does count for something.

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