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She Wouldn't Get Out

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All seriousness I agree with RADEON, along with that other post with that soldier who failed to follow protocol. In this case, the cop failed to follow protocol.


:edit: Small penis syndrome?? Dude that's hysterical! :lol:




protocol? he failed to follow protocol? at what point?





I asked a few family members to watch this video. and give me thier feedback on it. all of them have between 10 and 35 years as police officers including the sherif of oakland county... and a judge. they all looked at it and failed to see anything wrong with the officer's actions. infact 2 of them asked if this was a training video.


lets recap what happened for you and radeon... just incase it STILL didn't sink in. step by step



woman speeds in front of policeman... she broke the law


police officer pulls her over.... doing his job


woman does not fully comply with officer's directions


police officer notes other violations of the motorvehicle code... notes that she has broken the law multiple times and does not listen to authorities (driving while on a suspended license is jus the start! speeding, broken windshield, headlight out... the list goes on and on. is she willing to do other things to avoid jail?)


police officer gives woman directions on what he wants her do to for both thier safety... for her safety TOO


woman is disrespectful of the officier... remember he's trying to keep her safe too


officer again asks the woman to comply... for her OWN safety


woman is now very rude to the officer


officer calls in for a second officer to assist him... in upholding the law while protecting everyone including the woman


officer is informed that the suspect is driving on a suspended license... therefore

she has been determined to be a danger to herself and others on the road by being a habitual law breaker


officer informs the woman of the situation... he informs her of her options at this point


woman again fails to comply... see a patern here?


second officer opens passenger side door to asure the safety of everyone involved... no one crouched down in the back seet that they didn't see, any weapons and to keep the woman from doing something stupid like jumping out the passenger side door


woman take a swing at an officer... assaulting an officer?


woman has now displayed violent and even more dangerous behavior... how far will she take it?


officer informs the woman that she should comply "or else"... right out of the training manual


woman ignores his order yet again... she's asking for it


officer again infoms her of the actions he will take if she does not comply.... once again following the book to the letter


woman again responds in a rude and negative manner... she's been warned enough to know he's not kidding


officer gives her the third warning, with the "or else" added to it... 3 strikes and you're out according to protocol


woman fails to comply.... what a shock (litterally)


officer follows protocol... zaps her


woman has no choice but to comply... and her cell phone is fried in the process


the from start to finish this officer did it exactly like he was tought. no diviation from it. the woman was taken into custody without bloodshed. no one died. sure she needs some medical attention to double check for any side effects... but will she listen to "or else"? you bet. but she's alive, and didnt' have to spend a month in the hospital before going infront of the judge...



now how would I have done it? real simple, I'd have either shot the classy lady or dragged her butt out the car kicking and screaming... right thru the window. but that's not how a trained police officer does it.

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I for one would like to know if you would feel comfortable walking up to a vehicle in the middle of the night full of gang members... Would you have your hand on your gun or is that to aggressive for you or are you to tough and cool for that????





If Silkster and RADEON had it their way, they'd have officers approaching that car with a flower in their holster, and a nice big smile, bright-eyed and bushy tailed. Since the gang members are being pulled over for a mere traffic violation, they have no reason to shoot the cop right? After all, it's just a ticket. PAST HISTORY, RADEON & Silkster, PAST HISTORY. Cops die all the time from routine traffic stops because the punk driving the car didnt want to go to jail for robbing the bank 2 months earlier.

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now how would I have done it?  real simple, I'd have either shot the classy lady or dragged her butt out the car kicking and screaming...  right thru the window.  but that's not how a trained police officer does it.



Sounds like something I'd do :D.


Great post red, and good job keeping calm :D. I couldn't resist swearing... ignorant dummies.



Btw, LoArm, they should also invite the pulled over person to their anti-guns convention and give them the flower in their holster.

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HAHA, i have never had a bigger laugh reading a thread, a bunch of right wing computer nerds discussing politics or more like views on cops :lol: :lol: :lol:


I hope most of the people posting here are seeing the satire in some/ most of the posts, if i am interfering on your heated debate.......... HAHA


seriously......................... lets get back to discussing more important stuff: my overclock and cooling situatuations, how about UT2004 that i just playedofr 25hrs straight today :lol:

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