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[un]official "everthing I Hate And Why" Thread


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-people who create threads about a "legal" way of illegally obtaining music, then makes another thread about "i told u so"


-people who do the following (see thread entitled "roflmao")


*decide not to buy a computer from somebody and lie about a lawyer being involved

*spout lies to convince parents to buy them a mac

*end up making right choice, but overpaying for uber high performance computer

*gets new computer, but decides to see what is under HS

*puts HS back on with ruined thermal interface

*make company send him new HS

*temps still not satisfactory after he installs it himself without removing remains of thermal pad

*stop payment from CC company and demand company to accept return

*gets an ibook

Edited by martymcfly

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I hate it when ur playing an online game and some guy starts to talk trash about u.


I also hate the online players that do all the talking saying that they are the best and what not, but they really really suck at the game.

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-people who do the following (see thread entitled "roflmao")


me too...


i also cant stand it when u have to wait 10 minutes for 2 dang milkshakes at McDonalds's.


people who speed up when you try to pass them. <----makes me flip people off every time i swear this gets me heated.


when im at bestbuy/compusa/etc and i hear a salesman recomending something to a pc illiterate costomer when he himself has no clue of what he is talking about.

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I too use to hate it when I would overhear a salesman ripping off a customer. But something happened to me last year and I just stopped caring. I said to myself "screw that" why should I care if that customer gets screwed. Its not my problem. IMO its everyone for themselves in the computer realm. Ive got my own problems to deal with, why should I deal with some computer illeterate persons problems?


But I still hate salespeople. I use to be one, and I started to hate myself. So I quit and vowed to never work retail again. So far Ive kept my vows clean :lol:


I hate pathilogical liars (you know who you are). There are so many of them out there. Doesnt matter what it is, they lie about it. My sister use to be one, but shes on the uptake now. What i dont get is why they do it? Why lie about stupid little things? Nobody even cares about stupid little things, so whats the point in lying about them?


I hate double standards. Whether its a Republican or a Liberal, if you're involved in a double standard I hate you.


Micheal Moore, Al Franken, Genine garofalo.


I think thats enough out of me for now.

Edited by andrusk

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I hate it when ur playing an online game and some guy starts to talk trash about u.


I also hate the online players that do all the talking saying that they are the best and what not, but they really really suck at the game.



I hate it when someone with a high ping enters a server thats "Just getting good"

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and i hate rap 2 times taht much

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Pet peavs:


1. When people don't return my hello @ work.

2. When people dump their trash from home in my trash cans @ work.

3. People leaving junk around. Like recepts and lunch plates.

4. I also hate murphy, because of his law.

5. Customers touching the windows.

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Guest Raven65

I hate when people call 911 just because they have a toothache.

I hate when people call 911 just because they don't want to wait in the er waiting room and think that by calling an ambulance they will get in quicker.

I hate when people call 911 just because they have a cold and think the world is going to end.

I hate when a sherrif's officer calls 911 just because the person who is getting arrested suddenly has chest pain because he thinks if he goes to the hospital he won't go to jail.

I hate when drunks call 911 and say they have chest pain just because they are hungry and know that if they are there long enough the hospital will give them a meal.


Holler if you want more I have a million of them.

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