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Das Uber Overclock

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Well, I plan on getting a job soon... and my goal is to do the following:



1. Buy a Mach II.


2. Buy a good 939 mobo, and get it volt modded.


3. Buy a 939 proc...




And then OC the hell out of the fugger. My goal is to hit 3.5-4Ghz (in my dreams...), within a year.




My chances? And yes, I will try getting someone else to voltmod the board. This thing's gonna need ALOT of vcore...

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It's more about bragging rights, and having an OC competition with my brother when he gets back from Iraq.




EDIT: And in the unlikely event that I DOUBLE the speed of an FX-55... well, there's 11 Ghz performance for ya :D. FOLDING UTOPIA!




EDIT2: And the biggest thing is to have it fold. My grandfather's life was crushed when my grandmother died due to vascular bronchitus. If it means spending all my earnings on a 1337 setup to help contribute just a little bit more to cancer research, crap, I'll do it. Plus, I'll get a nice performance gain.

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Good luck! I have two of those 3 things done, and am seriously considering going phase with a different cpu(dang cold bugs) and making a dedicated watercooled tec loop for my gpu. I can make the wc/tec setup for around 200bucks(less if I scrounge ;)), but phase change is gonna put a big dent in my pocket...or, more likely, a credit card :lol:


Hope you succeed - and maybe someday I will too!

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