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Strike Two, Woman


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Well, today, me and my brother started experiencing massive lag spikes(3000+ ms pings). So, I go upstairs to see if the family computer is the culprit... well, 20 instances of iexplore.exe, bargain.exe, and random other spyware processes MIGHT result in lag!


I've got Ad-Aware SE updated and scanning in safe mode w/ networking right now. This is strike 2. Next time, I'll take advantage of interrupt 21h, and OllyDbg32.




So, what can I do? She REFUSES to use anything BUT Internet Explorer, saying that she dosn't care about ANYTHING I crapING SAY, even after telling her that experts are having trouble with keeping up with the amount of security holes and exploits found each day. So, this means she refuses to use Opera, or Firefox. She's rather stubborn, too, and believes she's better then me at this(even though she had me remove HijackThis because she didn't know what it was). Hell, she's saying that she shouldn't have any spyware problems with IE because she has Norton AV...




So, if anybody here can help me to convince her to make the switch, PLEASE post. This woman is a megalomaniac when it comes to spyware removal.

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RIAA: We will now begin suing anyone that uses Internet Explorer 6 because it can be used to download illegal files. If you wish to avoid prosecution and fines upto $50,000 please switch to Firefox or Opera.


I would hate to see her get sued, switch to Opera or FF immediately.

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Trust me, there are alot more idiots out there that use IE than I know of, just an example of my stats on my website


MS Internet Explorer 18872 56.3 %

Firefox 11908 35.5 %

Opera 1480 4.4 %


Just the percentages that come on my website that use IE, what idiots...

No offense but KB that doesnt mean your mom is an idiot :)

Edited by shervin2

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ANd yet my mom still uses IE and hasnt managed to bring down the network :lol: Your mom's broswing habits arent helping, she probibly clicks the remove my spyware popup boxes too. Maybe get her to us M$ anti spyware. it's made by M$ (haha bs) so it must be great for use with IE *nudge**nudge*

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Guest FxXP

Setup a linux proxy box and get that box between her PC and the router/ISP. Use the linux box to filter out what ports the spyware goes through and block it. Use a hosts file to block out sites that she goes to in-which infect the PC.

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