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Im not even gonna bother debating these points, mainly because the arguments you leftists are using is laughable, but I will say this.


They're not paying for the war in iraq with $1 bills.

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++ social security that is actuall doing much better then GWB makes you want to think.. and infact a non-bias orginization siad social security has more funds to pay out NOW then they ever did... social security is at its strongest point in history..

Really, can I have a link to that please? Maybe you should read what the CBO has to say about SS:



Yea SS is looking real promising Asus. :rolleyes::blink:


Republicans just dont get it, money given to the rich in tax breaks.. even though the rich pay more "they are paying less bassed uppon dollar for dollar amount" there is no trickle down from the rich to the poor.  Our poor is becoming poorer and our rich is becoming ever more welthy.
You can spin it any which way direction you would like. Bottom line is the RICH pay MAJORITY of ALL TAXES.


The problem is that people eather dont care enough or they want to see there money wasted.  I live in a more upscale part of New Hartford even though we aint upscale, but most people are republicans... what are they, layers, pharmasutical owners, and guess what the teachers are.. Democrats.. not wealthy but down to earth.. 
The problem is these tax dollars in the public education system is OBVIOUSLY not providing an adequate education as we can see above. Asus I don't want to see anymore of the peoples money wasted either, that is why we give it back to tax payers. ;)

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This is why I am becoming an independent. The labels of Democrat and Rpublican just cause people more confusion as to the difference between opinions and political associations. A comment I heard at school really illustrated this as my "future-republican" friend was making a comment in class about something and a girl forcefully interjected "But you are a republica. That means that you believe in xxxxx and xxxxxx, etc." I have noticed this a lot. Republican has become a dis at my camp. I was called that when I decided to not roast bush for "allegedly" looking like a monkey. I am not a supporter of bush's views, nor do I condone all behavior of democrats. I do not want to be bound to a set of opinions, although I will probably vote liberal in the future. Some of these arguments I have seen here are pretty annoying to read, not because I dont agree, but because of the way they are said. I agree with the views of Michael Moore, but I despise him for the way he goes about getting his views to the world. I am very sorry if a lot of this seems very extraneous, but that is just the kind of guy I am.


P.S. - I am pro gay rights, but contrary to what other kids my age would say when I say that, I am not a homosexual myself. All of my peers have mindless opinions which they usually get from either their parents (only hearsay) or from michael moore(or sites like the linked one). Excuse my post-script.

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Aye, the rich pay OVER 90% of our taxes! 96.03% to be exact. Hell, my History teacher's cousin is some big shot at an Iowa or Wisconsin university, and they pay MORE income taxes then HE makes in a year($32,000, if you're wondering).

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look i my self live in the capital of liberalism, california i too am a republican and happen to be son of a immagrant from a third worl latin american country who made it here by her hard work patients and ability to add to this country. money comes and money goes i make 60k a year and am only 23 years old but gues what when im done i have given 20k to taxes 10k to charities mainly my church but also non profit, non religious orgs. why is it ok for me to give freely and not ok to give some poor sap in iraq or iran or afgahnistan a chance i deal with them on a regular basis in fact an afgahny is one of my closest friend . he will tell you that our country has caused pain but has also given assistance to so many people we go where we can benifit ...true but where we go we raise the level... i wish you leftist where born under a dictatorship dont you realize that our spending in other places causes a liberty here sounds wierd but follow me for a sec because we spend on this we will provide security ten or 20 years down the road our president takes crap now but your children will glorify him. extreme measures need to be taken i dont know about you but 3.00 a gallon is hurting even me i have cut back on what i enjoyed. now you have the right to complain all you want but you know when push comes to shove this is the greatest country and system ever for those who full integrate to it stop fighting and get on the team we need all the different opinions to make our country greate no hand outs hard work is all our welfare peolple need to hear from us they all can accomplish great things if we push foward...

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Why do you always critisize? We are not all perfect writers like you, sorry i dont go to high school so its hard for me to learn that basic stuff. any way badger i like you and have read many of your post your are insightful and a pleasure to follow please dont kill my opinion of you over a little punctuation and grammar mistake.

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Hey, if he didn't go to high school and makes a legit 60k a year, good for him. That's a tough task to accomplish right there. I have to agree, nothing in life is free, and supporting our troops is an expensive task but worthwhile. I am a conservative but it doesn't mean I am close-minded to the viewpoints of liberals. I consider all possibilities/sides before making a decision, just as everyone should.


apostolics is right, this is the best country and system in the world. Put simply, the amount of money we spend to help out other countries and people is unmatched by far, yet we are able to keep a stable economy. That right there is what it's all about.

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