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Prarie Dog Problems?


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okay, if you're one of those people that LOVES all things fuzzy, a PETA member, or get light headed when you see road kill, this is NOT for you

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Holy Cow that was a strange video. I guess he has something against prarie dogs.



1: they can tear up your property fast

2: they can destroy crops (though that didn't look like the case there)

3: livestock can be seriously hurt stepping in thier holes

4: they can carry very serious diseases

5: they're not really dogs, they're rodents, much like rats. they breed like crazy

6: if you've got a .50 cal why not use it? .22's are effective, but just not as much fun

7: range. you think those critters are going to let you get close enough for a smaller gun? a .50 cal can take out something like that @ over a mile!



:blink: Overkill, anyone?
Edited by bigred

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1:  they can tear up your property fast

2:  they can destroy crops (though that didn't look like the case there)

3:  livestock can be seriously hurt stepping in thier holes

4:  they can carry very serious diseases

5:  they're not really dogs, they're rodents, much like rats.  they breed like crazy

6:  if you've got a .50 cal why not use it?  .22's are effective, but just not as much fun

7:  range.  you think those critters are going to let you get close enough for a smaller gun?  a .50 cal can take out something like that @ over a mile!

captain overkill?



I didn't mean to imply that they weren't a problem, rather, it seemed a bit a strange way to do it.


definitely overkill

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