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Criticool Relay Card Owners


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as some of you may know, as seen in this thread, i had a really bad day after installing a Criticool PCI pump relay card, it is essentially my fault, but for anyone with an Abit IC7-G motherboard, you can see where the problem occurred, just wanted to update you guys on what the actual cause was, i couldn't see that the switch leg was touching the cap once the card was installed, still my fault, but a closed switch back design would solve this and would have saved me weeks of downtime(monarch is out of these boards at the moment, they are waiting on an order to come in, so i am stuck)


below is my email sent to Criticool asking for a design change to prevent future occurrances


I did not see any technical srvice contact on your website so please forward to the appropriate person/s if this email has been ill-directed, thank you.


I love the product I have made by you, however I managed to fry my motherboard the other day as a result of installing your Criticool Powerplant II PCI relay card.


It was on an Abit IC7-G motherboard.


I found the root cause after the fact. If the card is installed in PCI slot 3, there are two capacitors. Because the toggle switch on the relay card uses an open back design, the bottom leg of the switch was touching the top of the capacitor on the motherboard. As a result, when the system was powered on it sent 120VAC through my motherboard, burning traces through PCI slots 3, 2, and 1 and crippling the AGP slot as well.


I take the responsibility for not seeing the contact point, but I was hoping you would consider one or two things.


1. Add a compatibility disclaimer to the products literature to avoid PCI slot 3 when using the card on the Abit IC7-G.


2. Change to a fully enclosed toggle switch design for future production. The piece of foam glued to the switch legs only helps keep a finger from making casual contact, however it provides no protection from various motherboard components which cannot be seen touching the card once installed.


Thank you.

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not yet......i take it they dont care, or it never got forwarded to the proper person.......sucks, it would probably only add 10 cents to the cost of manufacture of the card to use a fully enclosed switch, and this would probably save alot of people

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Man, I'm sooo glad you posted this, I have an IC7G and I was seriously considering this relay. On second thought, I think I'll just plug my pump in directly to the wall for now....


Sorry about your loss man, that sucks BAD...

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