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Computer Fried... Had A Cookout Today

Guest Poopsicle Boy

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lol... please gimme money cos i broke my computer!!! :lol:


go get a job... i had to get up at 4am in the winter to go drive out to mcdonalds on saturdays and 6am on sundays and then work like 10 hour shifts to be able to pay for my tax, insurance, petrol and endless replacement parts for my car when i was 15...


see, that's weekend work... school during the week, work on the weekends... yeah it sucked, but hey i had a car and a computer and bought about 300 cd's all from my own money


so stop whining, begging for money and moaning about people saying you're lazy and whiny and immature... just go get a job and prove everyone wrong and get a computer in the process...

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Guest Poopsicle Boy

im not whining at all just thought maybe some one had a few extra bucks they could generously give me and if you dont want to its fine please dont critisize me though.

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Guest Jeremy
lol... please gimme money cos i broke my computer!!! :lol:


go get a job... i had to get up at 4am in the winter to go drive out to mcdonalds on saturdays and 6am on sundays and then work like 10 hour shifts to be able to pay for my tax, insurance, petrol and endless replacement parts for my car when i was 15...


see, that's weekend work... school during the week, work on the weekends... yeah it sucked, but hey i had a car and a computer and bought about 300 cd's all from my own money


so stop whining, begging for money and moaning about people saying you're lazy and whiny and immature... just go get a job and prove everyone wrong and get a computer in the process...



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If your parents wont allow you to get a job so you can focus on hw, do that dont waste your time begging.. I too am 15, I dont have a job and im fne. and Im more than sure thier not dead, your first attempt was surf junky.. begging there.. now your begging for donations? ggrreat! sry to sound rude, but I think your lying.

Edited by roadkill

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im not whining at all just thought maybe some one had a few extra bucks they could generously give me and if you dont want to its fine please dont critisize me though.



you see, that works on family members and people you actually know, sometimes i have helped out people in that situation, but for you to even consider coming to the net to ask for money from complete strangers is just wrong, you must be completely naive and the fact you considered it shows it, but the fact that you actually acted on the insane notion.....well.....it's just wrong on more than one level


somebody needs some parental controls on their pc

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i know you guys are anyowed by this kid but i feel his pain. I myself cant get a job and strugle to keep my computer uptodate. I NEVER have anymoney on me and the only time i get money is everyonece inwale from my dad... Bro you should save up 300 and order parts off newegg. I have made a computer on newegg for 300. Get a sempron and 512 of some rly cheep ram. ect. I know you might be awile without a computer but hey i went a mounth or so without one and im on everyday for at least 8 hours and i made it. You should get a girlfriend if you dont already have one and spend your time talking to her. I mean i always see computers in the newspaper for 100 bucks. Look there..


I feel your pain man.

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Ok, here is a brilliant idea. Get a girl, then you won't miss your comp much and you can just use the family's. And don't even say that your taking "honors history" and that is hard. I know my schedule isn't that hard, but here is my SOPH schedule:

1. Biology

2. Biology/Gym (depends on day)

3. Gym/Free/Service


5.Lunch (Last semester was band)

(Hard Stuff beginning)

6. Honors GEO (easy class)

7. Honors English II

8. Latin II (What a lame language, I should have taken spanish)

9. AP US History

EXTRA: Track and webdesign club


I finish my homework in 1-1.5 hours.

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if you have a few spare bucks on paypal id be much abliged


My stepfather has a pretty good handle on this kind of statement. His response would simply be, "There is no spare change." Spare implies that it has a diminished value, and I know that I have yet to find money with diminished value to me.

And on a philosophical note, life is all about choices and priorities. School, for a 15yo, should be at the top of both lists. But, hockey takes alot of time, and money to be a part of. Between gear, ice time, getting to and from practices and games--that's alot of time and effort. That is time and effort that could go into a job.


Btw, if you don't have time for a job, then how is this statement true:

i spend almost all my time on my pc

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i finish my hw in record time well because i half butt it anyways lol. I have the same classes as u above except i have honors german. and no geo


Did u see whcih parts got fried?

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