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How Much Should I Expect To Be Paid?

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Ok, I'm thinking of applying for a dishwashing job soon at one of the local resturants here in town. I'm 14, no work permit... how much should I expect to be paid? And if I'm asked to put down salary, what should I put down? I'll be able to work weekdays for 3-4 hours, and then up to like 7-8 hours on weekends... so if anyone wants to crunch the numbers, feel glad to. Thanks in advance.

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if you're lucky you'll make minimum wage but if it will be under the table you wont get beaten to death by taxes, what are the labor laws anyway, can a 14 year old have a job? i remember my first job was dishwasing too, i was 15.

good luck


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Guest Silenc3

If you were a dishwasher for me, no more than $7


start pay no more than $6

Edited by Silenc3

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lesson to ALL....


NEVER put an amount in that question

I have managed many staffs in the past... I cannot tell you how many times I hired someone who was very qualified.... and was able to pay them LESS than what I was going to offer....


simply because they asked for less......


Don't leave money on the table....


To answer the question on the application


simply put "Negotiable"



and make sure the app is neat and everything is spelled correctly...

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minimum wage






lesson to ALL....


NEVER put an amount in that question

I have managed many staffs in the past...  I cannot tell you how many times I hired someone who was very qualified.... and was able to pay them LESS than what I was going to offer....


simply because they asked for less......


Don't leave money on the table....


To answer the question on the application


simply put  "Negotiable"

and make sure the app is neat and everything is spelled correctly...




Very true. Though most employers will ask during an interview, "I see that you have 'negotiable' on your application under desired salary. Exactly how negotiable are you?" This is just their way of asking you again, on the spot "how much do you want?"


For the past 3 jobs, I've gone in knowing exactly what I wanted and asked for more. Even if they give me less than what I asked for, it's usually still more than what I wanted. :)


Though, I'm lucky enough to be in a position where I know how much my client pays, the minimum cut that the main contractor can take, and the minimum cut the subcontractor (my employer) can take. This gives me a great bargaining power. :P

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They advice i was given when job hunting is know as much as you can about the job. part of that is knowing what that particular profession pays in your area (there are several web pages that track these things) and put down a range in the 75%-95% of what others are being paied in your area. like d3 said, if you put negotiable they're going to ask eventially so you'll need to give an answer at some point.


For a dishwashing job i'd put put a range of min-wage to win-wage+$2.

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as someone who's done this from both sides of the table...


AIM HIGH. if you really expect to get $6 an hour, ask for $7.50.


this does 2 things. first it shows the possible employer that you're confident in your skills and that you think you can do a better job that the "minimum" he's looking for. second it gives you room to work down from when (note not IF but WHEN) they try to lowball you.

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