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Mouse Emulation For Usb Connector On Pc

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I've managed to get the xbox controller to work on a PC, using a few different drivers available out there.. they work fine for games that directly support joysticks.. but mouse emulation doesnt work.. Anyone know of a way to get Mouse emulation (especially for the right analog stick) to work. I've tried utilities like joymouse, but they dont enable the right stick to work, nor do games that dont directly support joysticks work with the xbox buttons.. IE: doom3...


anyone know of a solution?

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I did try the xbcd drivers.. they dont offer mouse emulation though.. so in the case of doom3.. this is no good.. but thanks..


and yes I do prefer controllers over keyboard/mouse combo ;)


I'm odd like that lol

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My roomate did that with his controler and unreal tournament. It took some software and game tweaking if i remember corectlly. He then came to the conclusion that it dosnt work.

You wont be able to play a computer fps with a controler. A controler dosnt have the accuracy of a mouse. Console games have just unuf auto aim to make it possible to play but pc games dont have this.

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for all you guys out there who want to know....


its SO easy to connect a XBOX controller via USB, its already USB



if you chop the end off, and look at the wires, you will see that they are the standard USB colors (red, White, Green, Black) and a purple one


Ignore the purple wire, and connect the other ones up as the colors match.



A friend of mine did that with one of his xbox controllers and swapped it out for a USB keyboard, so he could install Linux on his xbox... but thats another story.

:ph34r: B)

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