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What Do I Need


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i know i need a comp lol but what would you suggest for the software. The company i work for has bought a domain name with a 10 year contract, and now i am going to build a web/email server for them i think. So what do i do first as i have never even thought of doing this before. :(

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i will probably go linux as my boss is a cheapskate


plus i know a lil about linux which = 500x more than anybody else at work so when i quit they are fubar



and yes Kamikaze_Badger i was too tired to think of google as my friend lol


but thanx for the link :D

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what kind of content are you planning on having on there? like using PHP, ASP, mysql?


I mean if you have a machine with XP Pro running, you can use IIS, or if you want to go Linux. Apache is your friend.


Linux will give you the complete solution in regards to free webserver, and email server


If you can let us know a little bit more what kind of content you want to have and how you plan to implement it. It'll give us a better idea what to suggest for ya.


PS. How many users will need email?

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all my boss wants is a small flash intro which i still have to build also lol


company info ect...


maybe an ftp not sure bout that yet


and a 5 person email server


oh yeah this is gunna be on a p2 400 system that he gave me and i am bieng nice enuff to give back not sure how much pc100 ram i will put in there and a small maybe 4 gig hdd

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Here is what I'd use for it.


Apache for the webserver, (PHP and MySQL are optional if you want), but just apache will work for using Flash, and html.


As far as the email server, I'm not really familiar with any good free ones out there, maybe I just haven't found one yet. With Linux you can get squirrel mail, but if you are running it on Windows I'm not sure what you can use thats free.


I used an email server called "Capesoft Email Server" it was $30 US, and had unlimited email accounts, filtering, updates for life, and it was really easy to setup.

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