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Serious Problems With My P4 1.6 Ghz


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ok i have this annoying problem with my processor, i cant run any of my games or play any of my videos with out a little skip every 2 seconds. I normally wouldent complain about a random skip every so often but this happens all the time. Its like a skip with a 2 second delay followed by another skip, its annoying. I think its my processor cause when i open task manager my cpu usuage is always stuck at 13% even when nothing is running. I tried reformatting, turning the computer off for a day, and helping my airflow in my case, but nothing seems to help. Here are my pc specs


1.6ghz p4

intel mobo

1 gig of ram

nvidia geforce fx 5200 128 meg

sb live value

dvd/cd burner combo drive

20 gig master

40 gig slave


any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks guys.

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ok, i just ran spybot and it found a DSO Exploit. I tried to remove it but it just wont go away. Do you think that may be the reason of my cpu speed acting wierd?


this is what my task manager looks like with NOTHING running, it just stays at 13%.

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ok, i just ran spybot and it found a DSO Exploit. I tried to remove it but it just wont go away. Do you think that may be the reason of my cpu speed acting wierd?


this is what my task manager looks like with NOTHING running, it just stays at 13%.

the dso is probably whats causeing it try useing AVG anti virus its free and works pretty dang good

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I just found a bloodhound w.32 virus on my d drive, i decided to format the entire thing cause all i had was bs on it. Still, havent really noticed a difference. I think im running out of options and might have to break down and get a new mobo/processor.

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