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Michigan Computer Humane Society:


taking computers AWAY from those who neglect / abuse them and give them to those who NEED them and are willing to give them good homes.



3 systems from the same lady today. 7 cans of compressed air to clean them out, 2 failing harddrives, 3 corrupt loads of windows, 5 dead fans, 1 bad power supply, a bad NIC, 4 bad optical drives, 3 bad floppies... what the heck is wrong with this lady? not one of these machines is over 2 years old!


I'm done ranting about this one, I'm gonna go smash my skull into a brick wall for a few min to clear my head of this stupidity.

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the AVERAGE time a franchise is run is 1 year before the store goes back to corporate or sold to someone else. it's just so annoying!


figure waterford, troy, houston, b'ham and los vegas were all franchise and now corporate stores. well troy is CLOSED till they find a new home for it. the novi franchise was SOLD before it even opened, and still has not opened. roseville lasted 3 months with one owner, 2 more under split ownership and since then has been mine... it's a year old this saturday :(


the original owner is opening his own computer store... and he said he ran out of money to keep things going... I give it 6 months before I burry that one too.

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...7 cans of compressed air to clean them out...

Geez. You should go to a flea market and buy an old air compressor. It'll be a lot cheaper (I have a tankless one, which is near impossible to find now, unless you get a car one)

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All this ranting is ridiculous. Why are you angry that these people are paying you to fix their stupid problems? If all your customers just go away like you want them to, you'll be out of business like all those other stores.

these people make up less than 2% of the customers. and they're the ones that spend the least. they ARGUE about having to pay $45 to have spyware removed, they argue about having to spend $165 for a legit copy of windows xp INSTALLED on thier systems, they argue about $25 to clean the family cat and 3 million packs of cigarettes out of the systems. Problem is they're the ones that I have to deal with.


I have NO problem when a customer comes in who has a legitimate problem, has no problem paying for what they need, or has a logical question pertaining to something important. the good customers are the ones I rarely have to handle as the boss :( but I know they come in cuz of the money they bring in.

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generally speaking (from my experience): the more stupid the customer, the less money they spend. however, they cause more problems. take up more time. ask more stupid questions.


i have no problems with people asking questions if they know absolutely nothing at all. but if they are not prepared to listen to me when *asking* for advice, then they can go swivel.


bigred, i sympathise. but dont worry about it: just install folding in the background of each machine that has a stupid owner....ahahah! (jk)

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they argue about $25 to clean the family cat and 3 million packs of cigarettes out of the systems.
just install folding in the background of each machine that has a stupid owner....ahahah! (jk)


hahahahah. that would be great sliverfox. and that person should be given a ticket or jailtime for messing up a computer like that.

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Yeah working at a camera store I met alot of people who thought they were freaking experts and blamed us when their pictures came out like crap. These people all though not all that big and numbers ruin your day pretty quick.


Funny Story

Friend of mine built his aunt a computer she keeps calling him daily with problems today she called .

"My mouse isn't working"

"Is the keyboard working"

"I don't know I can't get into Windows" :P


Should send her your way Red. But it already looks like you got yout handsfull.

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bigred, i sympathise. but dont worry about it: just install folding in the background of each machine that has a stupid owner....ahahah! (jk)

now this is a good idea, but what if they don t have an internet connection? then it would be pointless.

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