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Slow Dial-up


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A friend asked me to look at her HP computer that is only 2 years old. I ran ad-aware6 and cleaned up a bunch of spyware and updated her Norton. The machine runs fine off-line, but is really slow on the Internet. We live in a rural area and DSL is not available -- dial up is our only option and I'm connecting at 45k but it's taking way too long to download anything -- even google. Any suggestions on what I can tweak?

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I wouldn't go as far as to say the best, but it is pretty nice. I used FireFox while on 28k dial up. The other forum I view, gamingforce, had load times similar to a slow DSL line, but it depends on the site. FireFox and Opera are both good choices for dial up though because of their great browser caching, not many do it as well.

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