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Yay, I Did It

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Im just SOOOO freakin happy I could pee myself!! I had to show it off here!!

Thanks Magnar, Nuclear, R_Target, Ayokona, Xtreme21. These guys are the ones

who personally helped me get these #'s when I thought I had hit the wall at 3.03.

But thanks to EVERYONE who has posted on these forums. By hearing your experiencees and problems I was able to relate them to my setup.

ANYWAY. Thanks again guys!! This one's gonna fly or fry!!! :P

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Why is your voltage not showing in there? What do you have it set at?

Hmmm...I hadn't noticed that. Anyway, the voltage is at 1.65. I'm sure I could get a little more FSB if I had better RAM but a new 3Ghz chip would be cheaper. Not to mention that the OC would be about the same whether I got new RAM and went higher with this chip, or got a 3Ghz chip and kept the RAM I have. Actually, with a 3Ghz chip, with my current OC it would be at about 3.8Ghz. Where as I could only get MAYBE 3.5-.6 with new RAM.

So, I think I'll hold off until I'm ready to build another system. Unless I can find a good deal on Ebay.

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i dont know whats all the fuss about. I got a p4 northwood 2,6ghz and a freaking Cooler master aero 4 lite ( like 15$) and im keepin it @ 3,56 durring summer thats 275 FSB and my voltage is 1,6. my mem is realy suckie and i put a devider so its vorking @ 366 mhz but the bandwith is ok (3,0GB/s)... i mean good for you 3,3ghz anint bad but i think you can go much higher with that cooling...btw my temp durring summer is case: 31 (room @ 35-6C) proc: 48-49C - Full load. duriing winter i doesnt go over 43C. i got 5 case coolers. medium case... im telling you try ocing some more ;)

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