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Best Buy Must Be Run By Fascists

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They're charging over $50 more for an nF7-S than Newegg. Smart move Best Buy. I really wonder why that same exact box has been sitting there for 4 months

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because there are alot of people that only go to best buy, circuit city, those kind of places that will gladly buy it, not to mention if you buy the protection plan best buy offers, you could bring it right back to the store, but i am not sure about that, but aside from people that spend alot of time on the web, nobody knows about newegg, makes you wonder what response they would get if they ran tv ads huh


you're right, it is overpriced, but price is relative, newegg has little overhead, their site does the work for them, best buy hires all those kids to work there, fancy stores, fancy displays, not to mention, you can't buy a refridgerator and a motherboard at one time from your friendly neighborhood newegg ;)

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I use to work at a best buy. We had motherboards, processors, and everything there. Ill tell you this much, in the whole 6 months I worked their, we only sold 1 or 2 p4's and not a single motherboard.


Bottom line. The kind of people that would buy computer parts induvidually and put them together would not buy them from best buy.

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What is even more pathetic:


The scene is some Walmart in PA. My friend was looking for BF1942 for Mac, so he asks some girl at the Games department if they had any Mac games. The dumb ***** said that all the games worked for Mac and PC. BS. Moral: Huge-. corporations blow in terms of staff at times.

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new egg is still overpriced.. lol.. THEY ALL ARE some wors then others.. newegg is the best though.. they are reasinable.. but we all know how cheep all the computer stuff realy is.. and that its the co. that make us pay alot.. o well..

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what do you people expect... you (we) aren't the customer they are trying to focus on. in the case of best buy, they know they can't deal in the volume of business that a newegg does when it comes to stuff like m/b's. so they have a couple on the shelf for the person who walk in and says, "my computer is broke...make it work again" and they say "you need this, this and this, it cost so much" and the customer hands over his credit card because he doesn't know any better.


the same sort of deal with wal-mart, we aren't their target customer. so why try and staff the electronics counter with a well trained, knowledgable person who cost them $12/hr when they can stick ur average joe in there for minium wage and he does the job for 90% of the customer.


it's not a huge conspiracy...just good business. they know their main customers and model their business around it.

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What's even gayer about Best-Buy is that they won't let you use gift cards online, even though just about every other major retailor chain(Wal-Mart, Barnes & Noble, Amazon, etc) does. It really pissed me off when I tried to buy Enya's A Day Without Rain CD online. More so when I found out that they didn't have it in stock at the local one.

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I hear that Best Buy, the chain, and Best Buy.com are actually seperate companies. The website simply rents Best Buy's name.


Oh, and Newegg > all. :lol:

that would be hard...since for the most part they have the same invetory, same weekly specials, etc. buy.com on the other hand is a totally different entity.

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