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People Are Stupid


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I woke up this morning, jumped in my car, and *gasp* my deck is missing. Someone stole the deck out of my car. I am so mad. I just don't understand why can't people work for their stuff. I've been dedicating my paychecks for the last 6 months to making my car the way I wanted it. I fixed up the interior, cleaned up the engine bay, replaced some speakers, bought a new deck, and recently bought a new sub (thank god it isn't installed yet). And here comes joe shmoe and feels he has the right to take it without any elbow grease or sacrifice. Its not that hard to get a job!!


They also took a (very small) jenson amp I had laying in thew far rear of the car. Luckily, they didn't find my cd's, which are hidden between the door and the drivers side seat. Apparently they were in a big hurry.


Speaking of hurrying: you know what is the best/worst part of this story? The cd player won't even work anymore. They ripped the wires out of the back of the cd player, from deep inside the internals. Basically, instead of unplugging 3 wires, they ripped the soldering out from the circuit board.


Idiots. I am so mad.

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Did you leave your windows down, or did they have to smash em in? I think I might buy some of that anti-smash stuff to cover my windows with, although maybe that's illegal. I dunno. I suppose if I ever needed to smash out my own window I'd be screwed. And maybe that stuff doesn't work on windows that move.

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Ive seen that stuff. The glass just kind of shatters and stays there. Pretty useful for bulletproof-ness and thief protection, but if you ever had to break your window like in a roll over or in a river to get out youd be screwed.

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I would put a for sale sign on the car that sais its unlocked take a look inside, and say theres a new system in the car on the for sale sign. And if the thiefs come back hold them at gun point and call the cops and take the forsale sign off the car and say they were trying to rip you off again.

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i got razor blads hooded up to my stuff,not only that, i have it set up that if the deck isnt removed a certain way....the wires will short out on the case of the radio and fry it.....then it would be useless.


my radio has this built in alarm feature that makes the speakers and the subs play real loud if i dont put the key in the ignition and turn it back and forth 5 times...not to mention the regular alarm.


so id say im pretty theif proof but ya never know.


im supposed to be helping a friend "repo" his amp tomorrow because someone bought it from him and never paid....so hope it goes well.

Edited by sYstEmATiC

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Lock your doors, next time. It's a mistake to greatly learn from. Talk to your neighbors and ask if they heard or saw anything suspicious last night. Call the cops, as well.









And always keep a slug loaded 12 gauge on hand. I've seen what they do to deer. They'll make sure that you never have kids again.

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Locking doors doesn't help. Last April, my car and my dad's truck, which has an alarm, was broken into and the airbags were stolen. For the alarms, they open the hood then disconnect the battery. They then force the lock open with a screwdriver, or slim-jim it open. Most repeat theives are smart and know ways around almost everything.


my radio has this built in alarm feature that makes the speakers and the subs play real loud if i dont put the key in the ignition and turn it back and forth 5 times...not to mention the regular alarm.


Radios won't play with no battery.

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Locking doors doesn't help. Last April, my car and my dad's truck, which has an alarm, was broken into and the airbags were stolen. For the alarms, they open the hood then disconnect the battery. They then force the lock open with a screwdriver, or slim-jim it open. Most repeat theives are smart and know ways around almost everything.

Hide another battery in your car and rewire it to use it for a primary than your battewry under the hood would make no difrence... Sides if you ever kill your battery you'l have a backup...

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Luckily, they didn't find my cd's, which are hidden between the door and the drivers side seat. Apparently they were in a big hurry.

dang it I knew I shoulda looked there. lol j/k...man that sux sorry to hear. I never lock my doors and stuff around here where I live. Nobody around is dumb enough to steal from me......did you file a police report?

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