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I pay less in taxes now than i did 4years ago and my tax return has increased every year since the tax breaks were implemented.


The lowest intrest rates in 50 years.


The economy has come back around.



I vote Bush.

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Nice idea Exeter, but we would like to hear the thoughts of the author of the thread as well. :P


Here is why I am voting for Bush:


He is a fiscal Conservative

He is strong on National Defense

He is stronger than any candidate in the War against Terrorism

He understands that lowering tax's will generate greater revenues therefor being good for Business and the Economy

He supports the Death Penalty

He puts our Sovereignty first and foremost b4 any other nations or the U.N.


Like Clay said:



Why i dont like Bush..


He also helped Osamas family some days before 9/11

He didnt find . in iraq (if you pull that "we found sadam" stuff) You'd run too if you had a huge powerful army coming at you, but i do admit the man was F'ed in the head a bit...(or alot)

He took us to iraq so we would forget about osama because

A. There are friends (i really wouldnt be suprised)

B. He couldnt find them

He is trying to scare us now by warning us and putting us on higher alert during the election so we will "beg" for him or w/e...

He draged thr british into this (i dont think british should have went to iraq with us)

The French are smart..(random point)

He said it wasnt important that we find Osama shortly after 9/11


and finally he looks like a dang monkey...





have a nice day, sleep well, dont choke

...go kerry



Seen fahrenheit 9/11 lateley?


I wouldnt be suprised. Considering everything you just said is the entire plot of the movie.




I yeah. I vote bush. I think most people here know that. And Im not gonna bother writing a whole bunch of crap about why. Read execters and ayokonas post's and apply them for me to.


That saved me a bunch of typing :)

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I'm surprised so many people are voting Bush here. I will be voting for Kerry primarily because I don't think this country will be any better off in 4 years with the other (big) candidate. I actually fear for the future of this country under that administration.


Kerry, on the other hand, is a war hero. He is pro-choice, which is typical but still important. I do believe that the economy will be in better shape in 4 years after he gets elected. I don't believe in his stance on gun control, but you can't expect to agree with everything about your candidate.


Another reason is because of the way he presents himself. He is professional and composed. Though I know this does't dictate how he will lead, but it's nice to know that when he speaks to us/Congress/other nations, that he will get his message clearly across.


Kerry wants 10 million new jobs. That will most likely not happen, but there will probally be much more than there are today. I actually work two jobs, that I had to work hard to get, but the opportunity was there for me and I took it. More opportunities will mean more people are more likely to get involved.


If I may go back to the first point I made, he is a war hero. It shows how he would lead under pressure, and how he can make the decisions the regard us and that those decisions would be in our best interests. I don't mean to bash, but Bush went to Yale (correct?) and then went into the National Guard? Who, if anyone, goes into the Army after college? much less Yale. I see him as a puppet, he's just carrying on a legacy.


I have not seen FH9/11, but I am not for it at all. I know that Moore used plenty of biased sources and manipulated others to build his case. I think that is wrong, but I will honor his right to do so. In the media I have yet to see a Bush-bashing ad. However, I have seen plenty of Kerry-bashing ads. It's not very reassuring to know that our current president isn't confident enough to run a clean campaign. When is a campaign more about bashing the other than promoting yourself? This is why I typically stay out of politics. I also think we need a new party, or a few... but that's not for here.


A few more points. 9/11 couldn't be avoided, at least from what I saw. The way we reacted was the economy took a huge hit and we went to war... Why did we go to war? Well I'm still unclear about that, since I thought it was because we wouldn't allow any country to harbor terrorists. We never found Osama, we ended up liberating Iraq without finding any weapons, without any Osama... That just doesn't seem right to me. I pay attention to the news, to politics, etc. But if I'm not completely clear why we make a decision that will define our country as a whole (regardless of what the leadership is) then they arn't doing a good enough job of representing the people.


Now that I am 18, I plan to make a change. Of couse, I'm still too young to do much, but I can volunteer. Not for politics but for the community in general, since I really don't like politics. But allow me to pose a question: Since I am a criminology major, I study a lot of crime. The fact is that poverty breeds crime, crime threatens all of us. I know that the government needs to simply enforce the laws, etc. But how can you expect to do that by building more prisons? It doesn't work. Building more prisons will not curb our violent crime rate. What we need is social programs that work and a focus on making jobs, legitimate ones that will pay decent enough to help raise a family. The private sector is supposed to do this, but they arn't! It has come to the point where we need programs sponsored by somebody (it doesn't have to be the government, our taxes, but there arn't many places that are willing to do this). We need to build back up the economy, by making more jobs, more people have the money to reinvest in America. By doing that, more jobs means less poverty and less crime. Honestly, we have the highest crime rates of all advanced nations, not something to be proud of.


("Crime and Punishment in America," Elliott Currie)


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i vote kerry because kerry believes that america shouldn't just be able to go to war because we want to, but go to war because we have to. he plans on increasing national security. he believes in turning this nation back into a place of strength instead of a place of fear. he has plans to liberate our hold on Middle east oil by using other means of getting energy. he believes in helping and maintaining a strong middle class America. He also believes in creating alliances.

he believes...he plans...he believes...


yeah, whoopdeedoo, i believe in a lot of stuff also.


he plans on increasing national security....HOW?!

he believes in turning this nation back into a place of strength instead of a place of fear....HOW?! (besides which, i BELIEVE our nation is the epitomy of strength)

he has plans to liberate our hold on Middle east oil by using other means of getting energy....HOW?!

he believes in helping and maintaining a strong middle class America....HOW?!

He also believes in creating alliances....HOW?!


yeah, he can say whatever he wants, but he's yet to back up anything he says. Yeah, i believe in giving everyone a $1mil tax refund, you all wanna vote for me?


Kerry, on the other hand, is a war hero.

Says WHO?! The MEDIA?! His comrades sure as hell don't. Wait until the book "Unfit for Command" is released (scheduled for 9/25/04). Then we'll see who the "war hero" is.

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Clay... your bashing which is exactly what we're trying to avoid.


Of course he's going to say that he believes, he plans, etc. It's not like he's president now, he hasn't had the opportunityto make a difference... Unlike our current encumbant.


He plans on increasing national security by reinforcing our international allies, modernizing the military, and using our diplomacy and intelligence system along with our military rather than just force.


America should be a place of strength, not of fear. I fail to see why it's not. Sure, after 9/11 I would be a little nervious on a plane, who wouldn't? I still keep an eye out to make sure if anything did happen on the plane I would be able to react to it. But the fear isn't only on planes. Anybody in our major cities is at risk, which I guess is the "fear" he's talking about. I honestly don't know how he's going to change it, but what is wrong with it? I don't feel afraid anymore... I know we already have a stronger national defense because of 9/11, regardless if Bush was in office that would have happened anyways.


We liberate out hold on Middle East oil by using other means of energy... Asking how is rather ignorant. You should really do some research into politics rather than be shouting out "HOW?!" here. We liberate by promoting the use of hybrid engine automobiles and doing more research into alternate sources of energy. As a people we have to change our focus from power to economics in the section of automobiles. Kerry would provde tax incentives to encourage the production and purchase of fuel-efficient vehicles. Bush gave $5 billion for hydrogen fuel cell research... a penny out of the pocket of our government. I believe (and I am not reflecting Kerry's views here) that we need a program such as the Kennedy space program, to increase our independance for oil while keeping a competitive edge on other advanced nations. Look to the east, and see that Honda and Toyota and the main manufacturers of hybrid vehicles currently. We not only need to catch up, but move ahead of them. It will take money, but increasing out independance on oil will be more than worth it. It will also put more money back into our economy, so its better for everyone. What you're going to see (with the current trend of gas prices) is an increase in demand, and a decrease in supply, skyrocketing the price of oil and gas everywhere. We need to realize this and make real decisions to move ahead of it.


He does believe in helping and maintaining a strong middle class... how? Well asking "how" is rather difficult since its a belief and not really a plan... But to talk about his plan he wants to cut taxes for businesses to create more jobs here in America. For the middle class he wants to cut middle class taxes so that they have more income, thus more money to put back into the economy... That is how he plans on helping the middle class.


The rest of what you say I cannot take seriously, since you don't provide any information nor do you seem to have any personal control over your reaction. Kerry was a war hero, but many veteran don't support him because he spoke out against the war after he came home. Why? Well because of what he experienced and saw. He spent four months there and earned three purple hearts... He saved lives... Well if he's not a hero then I would like to hear your definition. Here is an article you may like to read, as it shows why he might or might not be a war hero.


The rest of my information is pulled from his website, JohnKerry.com. I suggest you look at both sides of the election before making your decision or comments, I hope I helped in better informing you.


*Oh, and on a final note I appologize for straying from the goal of this thread. I won't post here again I just felt that I had to react to Clays post. If the mods find it necessary, then please delete the inappropriate posts. I further appologize for those who cannot control themselves here, it ruins the fun for all of us. This part of the forum is mean to educate and inform, as well as show your own personal opinions, to control them is nothing other than necessary.*

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No. 1

to many people vote on a canidate because they are a democrat or a republican. People realy need to think things through befor they vote.

No. 2

to many people vote on someone because they speek well, or dont vote for them because they seem to stiff

No. 3

to many people are not educated enough to vote, they never watch a single debate, think about any of the canidates promices, never look into there background, its kind of a hat draw for most americans

No. 4

our methods of voting MUST be standerdised in all states and places of the country

No. 5

Vote John Kerry :P

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I will be voting for Bush in November for the following reasons:


His economic policy has gone a long way toward helping our economy out of the post orgy hang over from the dot com boom of the 90's that collapsed and the beginning of a deep recession (that remember began even BEFORE the 2000 election). The implementing of the tax cuts went a long way toward the economic boost we have seen, and making those tax cuts permanent will enable furthur economic growth.


His cabinet is filled with extremely gifted individuals who are experts in their respective fields, a president must have the best administrative resources at his disposal to be able to make the most well informed decision. The makeup of his cabinet speaks volumes about his aptitude in choosing the best and most qualified. The role of any good LEADER is to have people much more talented in select fields, then rely on them for recommendations, rather than try to be a master of all topics and act as a half-cocked maverick without having the advice of an expert in the field (case in point: the absense of heavy air support in Somalia despite expert advice given to the Clinton White house and the resulting catastophe due to it) Condoleeza Rice could very well be a major political player in 2008, and may become a presidential contender, having a viable future political leader come out of your cabinet indicates very good judgement.


Foreign policy based on what is in the United States' best interests with or without foreign approval shows determination, the UN has proven itself a spineless whiners club bereft of any consideration except its own acquisition of power and money during the last few decades seeking to thwart and restrain US policy any way it could. Bush did the negotiator thing with the UN and a final resolution was adopted by a unanamous vote in the security council, Saddam thumbed his nose at that and Bush sought to enforce the terms of that resolution. The ENTIRE security council (including France, Germany and Russia was in total agreement on the terms of the resolution until it was time to act, then they balked. Bush pressed on despite all the crying of the globalists and formed a coalition that was broader than the one in 1991. Saddam was toppled and Iraq was FREE of his regin of terror. Since there has been a flood of jihadis from within Iraq, as weel as the ones coming en masse from Iran, Syria, Jordan etc... Iraqi sovereignty was reestablished last month and our allied forces are assisting the Iraqi government in establishing order.


I trust Bush, personal anecdote aside, the man has a history of being a straight shooter and being able to bring all sides together to work FOR something. In Texas when he was governer, Bush enjoyed a good relationship with the state legislative democrats. However after he arrived in Washington D.C. he has come to realise that national parties are far more nasty with the standard of demonising dominating political discourse. Also his loyalty to people is almost non existant these days in "eat your own for power" atmosphere, this trait has even been mocked by those from the left side with the majority of the media.


His unabashed faith: Reagan was more politically savvy by avoiding church while in the White House as he attempted to avoid the "religious zeolot!!!!!!!" charge somewhat successfully, while Clinton made every moment coming out of a church a photo op. Bush on the other hand has neither hid nor flaunted his faith, he has been very straightforward and unapoligetic about it. Remember the 2000 debate when the candidates were asked for the greatest philosopher in their mind Bush stated simply "Jesus Christ" and smiled at the giggles from the room. He puts himself forward as he is, as opposed to putting on a new face for every crowd he speaks to.


Those are some of the reasons why I am voting FOR Bush.

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I really do not want to vote for either candidate. I am 18, and this will be my first time voting for anything, I feel obligated to vote. This thread will probably decide who I vote for. These points about Bush are really good, and are some of the best, well-defended, logical arguments I have seen. I wish there were two sides to this debate as it seems most people are defending Bush. Are there any Kerry supporters here that would like to stand up against the tyranny (joke, don't bite my head off) of the Bush people? How about anybody who supports any candidate from independant parties?

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Let's try to keep this thread the way it was designed to be, Only talk about the candidate YOU are voting for, no bashing the other is allowed, let's please not cause the loss of our privelege (sp?) to talk about politics :bah:

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Bush has a lot going for him based on his record. Where Kerry's biggest support mechanism is hatred for Bush. It didn't work for Dole in '96, and won't work now either. The whole "War Hero" thing is harped on ad nauseum because Kerry's actions for FOUR MONTHS 30 something years ago are much more attractive to the general polpulace than his actions and stance on issues during the last THIRTY YEARS, most notably his record as a senator. There is a reason they don't want to talk about his senate record, because it is way out of step with America as a whole. From what I have seen the main mantra of the DNC has been "Anybody but Bush!" and they will throw every bit of support behind Kerry/Edwards though they are considered "throw away candidates" in the upper echelon of the DNC. Watch in the next few months as Kerry's campaign gets more and more strident, just as it did in the Dole campaign with which I was moderately involved in Oklahoma. Hatred does not win elections, a clear message and direction does.

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As much as i appreciate being off topic (sorry, but it's relevant to previous posts), i can't say who i'll be voting as im British. but someone made a really vald point about the french - they have an interesting arrangement with the NATO thing - France go to war if they want to, while everyone else has no choice. pretty smart move if you ask me, but i am not going to start flaming the french as i like having no warn rating! i'll save it for my french friend.... :D

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