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My Girl Friend

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Yea, lets keep it kinda mellow in here....you all are startin to act like those 10 year olds playin CS...but since we are on the topic of girlfriends I might as well post one of mine too...Shes pretty but I dont really care about that, me and her just have this bond together...we started dating freshman year and now its almost a year later and she has moved 8 hours away but we are always talking about getting married and having kids and all so I hope that some day it'll really happen....

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First.. AMD, I think you have a nice looking girlfriend, good for you and it sounds like you are into her for more than just her looks, which I respect.


Second, I hope all of you that have posted pictures of your girlfriends asked them all if it was OK to post them. Not everyone wants to have pictures of themselves on the internet. It is fine that they are just in OCC, but once something is on the internet, it never seems to leave.


Third, I am glad you guys are seeing the errors in your ways for flaming one anothers girlfriends. Someone important in my life always tells me beauty is in the eye of the beholder. We all have different tastes and opinions and that needs to be respected.


Lastly, I would post a picture of my girlfriend, but.. oh yea... I am a girl and do not have a girlfriend :P

Edited by ELcaro

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(Well... since newport hasint done it yet:)




But seriously... DAMMM!!! I JUST [i}HAD[/i] To Turn 18 in April... crap... :)


For some reason I have this ting for this girl Ive know since 7th grade... She's not really in to tech stuff though so it make's talking to her kind of hard... :)

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HEY I SAW HER FIRST! dangIT I PAYED GOOD MONE..... ehhh.... crap.... my secret is out now lol.

roflmao @ newport! hahaha your killing me here lol.

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roflmao @ newport! hahaha your killing me here lol.

Hmmm i am glad i dont have the same effect on women... And Duff Man, Gimmie a lil Major Kira on B'Elanna any day! lol.... Troi (big boobs McGee) can just watch HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! B)



But here is my real gf.... Dont bother asking about the glamour effects... I dont know what they are doing on it lol.

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Meh... Jadzia's WAY hotter... but then there is Ezri... :)




Nerm, You could just look in to a mirror and decide you want to go out with your self... ;)

Edited by Duff Man

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