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AMD vs. Intel

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I havent read all these posts(too many to read)


but I have to go with Intel, Mainly (just my opinion) is that INTEL i think are better quality, even if you look at the physical characteristics of the chips, And I mean you gotta give intel a break too, they Do SOOOOOO many more things then AMD, i mean they make servers, MOBO's, Etc etc etc


they cant just concentrate on their Processors when they have so many other things going on,


I also like intel, because they've prolly been in the buisness longer anyways(i have no reputable evidence for this, it's mearly just a guess, maybe AMD was first im not sure?)


I mean Heck I like AMD's 64 bit is awesome and all, but Im waiting for the intel 64 bit, i have a hankering that it will be really really good


but i mean there both good, I mean amd64 bit is better than p4 EE, but It's not like the 64 bit STOMPS the crap outta it, yes amd's is better, but not by a whole lot



to me it's not worth the little numbers

So many thing wrong with this it's not funny


1. AMD has a large share in flash memory

2. Intel is a much larger company than AMD

3. Intel doesn't "make" the servers, they sell the parts

4. You saying the quality is better makes no sense at all

5. Intel has more than enough employees/money to work on more than one thing at a time

6. AMD has been in business just as long as Intel

7. Intel keeps flip-flopping about 64-bit

8. Almost every Athlon 64 beats the EE, and they cost literally a fraction of the price

9. The difference is quite large in many apps


AMD was the first company to ship a Seventh Generation processor

AMD is the first company to ship an Eighth Generation processor

Edited by Paranoid

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I havent read all these posts(too many to read)


but I have to go with Intel, Mainly (just my opinion) is that INTEL i think are better quality, even if you look at the physical characteristics of the chips, And I mean you gotta give intel a break too, they Do SOOOOOO many more things then AMD, i mean they make servers, MOBO's, Etc etc etc


they cant just concentrate on their Processors when they have so many other things going on,


I also like intel, because they've prolly been in the buisness longer anyways(i have no reputable evidence for this, it's mearly just a guess, maybe AMD was first im not sure?)


I mean Heck I like AMD's 64 bit is awesome and all, but Im waiting for the intel 64 bit, i have a hankering that it will be really really good


but i mean there both good, I mean amd64 bit is better than p4 EE, but It's not like the 64 bit STOMPS the crap outta it, yes amd's is better, but not by a whole lot



to me it's not worth the little numbers

So many thing wrong with this it's not funny


1. AMD has a large share in flash memory

2. Intel is a much larger company than AMD

3. Intel doesn't "make" the servers, they sell the parts

4. You saying the quality is better makes no sense at all

5. Intel has more than enough employees/money to work on more than one thing at a time

6. AMD has been in business just as long as Intel

7. Intel keeps flip-flopping about 64-bit

8. Almost every Athlon 64 beats the EE, and they cost literally a fraction of the price

9. The difference is quite large in many apps


AMD was the first company to ship a Seventh Generation processor

AMD is the first company to ship an Eighth Generation processor



pwned :)


yeah, AMD is heavily involved with Flash Memory. I forget the exact percentage, but more revenue comes from their flash memory than their cpus.


and to Pinebark, I agree Celerons suck. As far as value cpus go, Durons (now Semprons) own Celerons. For many of us that may not make any difference, but it IS an important fact, and one very few would disagree with. Even Intel-fanboys know celerons suck the motherload.

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which is why I also said "i dont know, i have no reputable evidence for this"


maybe if you read it, then you'd see that


edit: i dont see why you even try to post evidence, im still going to think intel is better regardless


plus.... pretty sure intel's been in the buisness way longer


I hate AMD there I said it


Edited by CoolMaster

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a little research goes a long way ;):


Founded in 1969 and based in Sunnyvale, California, AMD designs and produces innovative microprocessors, Flash memory devices, and low-power processor solutions for the computer, communications, and consumer electronics industries.


Founded in 1968 to build semiconductor memory products, Intel introduced the world's first microprocessor in 1971. Today, Intel supplies the computing and communications industries with chips, boards, systems, and software building blocks that are the "ingredients" of computers, servers and networking and communications products.


Sorry, don't know the exact months these two companies were established, but IMO, one year older isn't "way longer." The reason why you assumed that was because AMD didn't enter the microprocessor market right away afaik, and thus wasn't as known by the general populice.

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they cant just concentrate on their Processors when they have so many other things going on,

When it comes down to it. Intels core business is there CPU and it takes a Intel fan to point out the obivious.......



Maybe if Intel DID spend the time on there core business they could produce a reliable, quality, cost effective product that could compete with AMD. As it stands now AMD is winning.

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which is why I also said "i dont know, i have no reputable evidence for this"

Maybe you should do a little research on Google before you post ignorant crap like that


edit: i dont see why you even try to post evidence, im still going to think intel is better regardless


Do you have any reasons, or is it just because intel has brainwashed you as well as millions of other people? If you took a little time to actually compare the two, you'd see that AMD beats intel in a large number of areas, and the price:performance is quite a bit better.


plus.... pretty sure intel's been in the buisness way longer


Like Clay said, 1 year can't really be considered way longer.


I hate AMD there I said it



Spoken like an ignorant noob

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All I can say on the AMD vs Intel front, is my freind just spent a months salary on a 3.2 pentium 4 system and sold me his old ATX case and 512 mb of ram (socket A mobo),I spent peanuts on a A64 2800 and cheap asrock combo-z board, put it in, o/clocked it to just over 2.2 ghz and beat his 3dmark03 score by 712 points, same radeon 9600xt, totally stable, my cost was under one fifth what he spent (mind you he has got a huge hard drive etc). Good as the pentium is, bang for buck it's got to be AMD

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how do you hate a processor company i don't get that. I mean i may dislike intel but if they came out with a cpu that was cheaper and had equal or greater perfromance than the A64 i'd go with it. i may be an AMD fan but in the end it comes down to performance and cost. for instance if AMD just decided to stop producing processors and intel kept going along making new better processors i would eventually go with intel. But as it stands today i will stay with AMD and as long as they keep making there awesome well priced cpus i will stay with them.

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Im just joking around, chill out



I dont actually hate AMD

i jsut like intel better

just ive grown up with intel. so ya know

i just like em better, I mean, Neither one is actually a "better" company


they are competing companies, which makes them both worthy


Edit: but regardless, you guys are the biggest nazi's ever about this anyways. you see, people are gonna like what they like, NO intel hasnt brainwashed me, thats just like saying AMD has brainwashed you.


I mean jeez, I like intel better, WHATS the big deal?


and you cant just say, CAUSE AMD IS BETTER


cause there not, there both good companies, cant yall just accept that they are both good


yeah Im a newb, but I still have my opinions

And talk about video cards with me, well Im def not a newb at that

Edited by CoolMaster

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