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AMD vs. Intel

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Guest ThermalGuru
True, now they say that the EE or the Prescott (dunno which one) only works with one or two of Intels chipsets? Can you understand why someone like me gets p.o.'d at Intel?

Yeah this is true....but it only requires an extra 60 bucks for a new motherboard...which more than likely most people are going to put that much money into a cooling system anyway....so why not upgrade the CPU and Motherboard at the same time? I tell ya why, because people can't figure out that by cooling with these high end systems your only squeezing out extra numbers in a benchmark that is at a safe level...in order to not fry your motherboard. Why is this? Because manufacturers don't wan't to be responsible for burning your house down. I've even seen guys try to mod a monitor and put a hard drive in it on TechTV...LOL, I bet that guy either has all his hair singed off...or is homeless right now. Numbskulls like that are all over this world and so are lawsuits.


There are guidelines to every manufacturer of cooling systems and they won't stray from it. This is for your protection and theirs. Also...computers are not like cars...you can get decent performance from a 69' Camaro and whip an RX-8....but you won't out drive one in the corners. You might look like you are going to grab a walker as soon as you get out of the car...but you did whip the cars butt. If this is the kind of performance beating you are wanting....maybe you had better go buy a car and take it to the streets. Because in the computer industry....you are and will continue to be controlled by Intel and AMD both. It's their industry and you aren't going to easily come up on some forum claiming outlandish processor speeds without some major re-engineering....how many times does a brother have to say that?


There are only a select few motherboards that will let you overclock into the 4.0 or higher range...outside of that, you can buy the performance. I guarantee you that the time it takes you to get an AMD or Intel processor past a 4.0....you could have been doing extra jobs to save the money to buy a 3.4 Ghz processor. So it all comes back to what it's really about anyway......money! Money = Displacement.

Not water, Not Fans, Not Intel, Not AMD! Plain ol' Mulah!


Now, if it's tinkering you are wanting to do......then welcome to the wonderfull world of Overclocking. You are rightly placed and very welcome amongst a great community....but if you think your are the worlds newest hotshot on getting a motherboard to run at lightning speeds....I got news for ya.....you aren't. That title belongs to Intel and AMD both since they made the processors in the first place.

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I really don't have anything against AMD, it's the people. There's always somebody attacking the choices we Intel users have made, such as in the now locked thread. It's the attitude that bothers me. Friendly competition is good, but somebody always takes it too far (you know who you are).


I was accused of being an "Intel fanboy" and of "ganging up" on somebody. After pretty much being insulted for my choice of cpu? AYoKoNA had made some points, so if I agree this means I can't speak for myself?C'mon......


Why do these arguments center on what the P4 does "wrong" and never on what the Athlon does "right"?


You get what you pay for. I did at least.........

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There is no friendly competition when a pissy comment becomes involved or when someone "trolls" the thread. I mention the statment of money+features+future and it goes overboard. I am sick of the bashing. Pick on me, pick on you (Special Olympics). Did I make an insult on a CPU that you chose? No.. I said that the price didn't justify the means. Archetecture changes and the way things are going for the future of computing has taught me this. It's just plain ignorance that starts the spats, and when that happens, I remove myself from the thread and move on.


I fully respect ThermalGuru's point of view on this as it is e-d-u-c-a-t-e-d and within reasonable thinking.


(You know who you are when you bashed my choice of CPU so we are even).

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Why does everyone fued over this so much. I like both CPU's myself. I prefer AMD's mainly because I have had better experience with them than Intel's. My 2500 is OCed 870mhz on stock cooling so AMD's can't make too bad of a chip. I feel insulted when someone gets on here and rants that AMD's aren't even in the same class or level as Intel's if this was true then AMD would already be out of business. Intel's clock speeds are faster, but in real life applications and gaming there really isn't much difference in my opinion. OCC isn't for bashing other peoples equipment. Do the bashing in the "I'm still a 2 year old forum". AGAIN! I like both CPU's they both have their advantages and disadvantages.

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If you want to think of it that way, fine by me. :)


Performance = Intel

Price = AMD



Can't argue with that

I don't think it's necessarily "price" in the direct effect. It's more AMD= value, or as many people put it, "more bang for the buck". If Intel chips were far superior than AMD chips, then the extra cost wouldn't matter, but as it stands now, usually the price differences between the two are not justified by the slight performance differences. There's a reason most custom-builders choose AMD. If you have $200 to spend, then the $200 will be better spent on an AMD than an Intel, plain and simple.

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There is no friendly competition when a pissy comment becomes involved or when someone "trolls" the thread. I mention the statment of money+features+future and it goes overboard. I am sick of the bashing. Pick on me, pick on you (Special Olympics).

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Guest ThermalGuru
I don't think it's necessarily "price" in the direct effect.  It's more AMD= value, or as many people put it, "more bang for the buck".  If Intel chips were far superior than AMD chips, then the extra cost wouldn't matter, but as it stands now, usually the price differences between the two are not justified by the slight performance differences.  There's a reason most custom-builders choose AMD.  If you have $200 to spend, then the $200 will be better spent on an AMD than an Intel, plain and simple.

This is a matter of personal preference........I like spending high dollars on high dollar systems. It makes me feel better about the product I own. I don't want some Radio Shack version of an AMD Processor. I don't want a Ford Pinto, and I don't want anything else cheap. When I go to the baseball game....I visit a Fancy Italian Restaraunt before....I have expensive wine....and I don't sit in the cheap seats at the game. I smoke 15 dollar cigars....I drive a brand new Ford Focus.....I sit in a nice office and draw pictures all day.....I've lived the hard life....I've paid my dues to my country and fought to stay alive with nothing but bare essentials to live.....I've had nothing and played at the pool halls to pay rent, bet on the horses and dogs so I can go out drinking with my buddies over the weekend.....I am fed up with it all and try to live a pampered life as much as possible....It's not just Intel....It's a way of life!


Besides it's my money and I'll decide what "more bang for the buck" is.....not because somebody like you told me so. What is a few dollars to me may very well be a whole bunch of dollars to you.


Hell, if I went around the world experiencing everything because somebody told me it was that way....how much learning or fun would that be? So your statements are invalid as is your reasoning...but that is ok, you aren't as experienced in life as I and one day you can look back on these forums and realize how naive you are being. We all do that. We have all said things in our younger years that just don't make any sense and this forum is where you obviously shine in that issue.


If you really read into that statement I just made and let it sink in.....it applies to Intel vs. AMD. Intel is much more experienced at making processors and much more successfull as a company. Deciding which is better for someone else is just plain silly. I personally hate AMD's and will never purchase another one....even though I've come close, I've always managed to stop myself. I will never listen to anyone on the issue of switching over and you can preach to me until you are as blue in the face as the background on this website....It ain't gonna' happen pal. You can crack on my CPU all you want but the simple matter of the fact is....I am up and running at very fast speeds and accomplish all the tasks I set out to do on my machine with outstanding results....so I'm not changing a thing.

Edited by ThermalGuru

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^ OUCH... now kids, this is a lesson that is well learnt. You will come to understand just how important his statement will be when you are kicked out on your keister and you have to fend for yourself.

You should take ThermalGuru's advice. ;)

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Everyone has a preference-some people like spending lots of money to get the best, others like to cheat the system and hack or overclock their hardware. For example:


If I had unlimited moeny, I'd rather get a 9800SE that softmods flawlessly than a true 9800 Pro. Then I'd voltmod the hell out of it and surpass all the 9800 Pro users. Other people might rather spend the money on a true 9800 Pro. Same goes for processors.


Some people would rather get a top of the line P4EE (EE should equal extra expensive lol) and a high end phase change or watercooling setup than a lower grade cpu that overclocks well such as the mobile XP or DLT3C JIUHB XP 1700+. I'd personally take either of those AMD processors and high end cooling rather than the EE and high end cooling simply because of the "wow" factor that would result from a high overclock. I don't care if the EE would perform better, I'd still rather have one of the XPs.


It's just a matter of choice.

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thermalguru, you don't seem to understand the meaning of "more bang for the buck". In simple terms, it refers to the amount of "power" you get for every $1 spent. Simply put, AMD has more bang-for-buck because a $200 AMD will perform better thana $200 Intel. There's no arguing there. Bang-for-buck has nothing to do with who has the fastest cpu released, nor does it have anything to do with how much money a person has. I have plenty of money to spend, and if i saw a need to buy an ee, then i would....so don't go thinking you're all powerful and mighty cause you THINK you have more money than me.

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