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AMD vs. Intel

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10 min of searching google.




funny how this little outburst ended.



TG you don't want to argue the point anymore? or did you finally realize there was no POINT in this anymore?

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2 days! 2 whole days for you to start trolling the boards to start a fight. a very stupid one at that. as you can see this is the place to discuss the differences in the two chips, pro's and con's of each. but it is not the place to openly start a fight like you're trying to do.

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Anyone interestied in doing some acctuall compairisons of various chips? I'm looking for someone who has a pentium 4 3.0c or 3.2c (as the are very close in price to the cpu I am useing) that has been stably overclocked on good air cooling to do some compairisons against my chip. I'm not interested in bragging rights or anything like that I would just like to get a serious look at the pros and cons of both chips across a variety of uses.


I'm only interested in stable OCs that can be used 24/7 with no probs. OCing just to get something stable for 5 minutes to get the last few hundred points in a bechmark is utterly pointless IMO.


Anyone willing? Also, what apps/benchmarks would be best?

Edited by oralpain

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I have a 2.6ghz P4 w/HT, if that helps you any? I know it PWNs the AMD XP3000+ in all the tests the SiSandra has that's Directly CPU related...And it PWNs a non-HT'ed 2.6ghz P4 at video/audio editing, for whatever reason.

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Anyone interestied in doing some acctuall compairisons of various chips? I'm looking for someone who has a pentium 4 3.0c or 3.2c (as the are very close in price to the cpu I am useing) that has been stably overclocked on good air cooling to do some compairisons against my chip. I'm not interested in bragging rights or anything like that I would just like to get a serious look at the pros and cons of both chips across a variety of uses.


I'm only interested in stable OCs that can be used 24/7 with no probs. OCing just to get something stable for 5 minutes to get the last few hundred points in a bechmark is utterly pointless IMO.


Anyone willing? Also, what apps/benchmarks would be best?

Folding would make a great test! Download the installer here.



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Anyone interestied in doing some acctuall compairisons of various chips? I'm looking for someone who has a pentium 4 3.0c or 3.2c (as the are very close in price to the cpu I am useing) that has been stably overclocked on good air cooling to do some compairisons against my chip. I'm not interested in bragging rights or anything like that I would just like to get a serious look at the pros and cons of both chips across a variety of uses.


I'm only interested in stable OCs that can be used 24/7 with no probs. OCing just to get something stable for 5 minutes to get the last few hundred points in a bechmark is utterly pointless IMO.


Anyone willing? Also, what apps/benchmarks would be best?

I have a 3.4C, 3.2EE and some 3.2Cs, 2.8C, 2.8b, 2.6C 2.4b, which one do you want to compete against? I will have to stop folding to do it. I have a 3.0C but its at a friends house in Houston folding it would be a hassle to go down there and do so benchs etc.



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