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Getting Tired Of Fluffy Reviews


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Is it just me or are reviews on the net getting more and more flakey? I think OCC and [H]ardocp are pretty good about "keeping it real" but it seems like so many places tend to suck up to the manufacturer. I can understand the compulsion to give the company some kudos for supplying a product (heck, I'd love to get some products in the mail to test) but sometimes laying it down on a company will do them more good than harm. If a product is pointless, ugly, faulty, annoying, or otherwise defunct, LET THEM KNOW! Today I read a review about vantec's PCI/memory covers. (read it here)

. I felt as if a piece of me had died. I was so angry!


This is one item that should be on everyone's shopping list.
Do yourself a favor and check these out, you won't be sorry.





look at these things! its rediculous!! They are bulky, flamboyant, cheap, nearly useless and ugly. It shamed me to be reading such an unjustified plug for such a stupid product. Reviews like this help no one. They encourage companies to release shoddy products, and lead people into getting ripped off.


So what do you guys think? Am I totally off-base here? Was this rant in the wrong? Or do you often see reviews in which the author sucks up to the supplying company?

Edited by ravix

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I agree! the whole point of a review is to tell the public the truth about a product, and what is good about it and what is wrong with it. It is something called constructive critisizim(too tired to know if that is spelled right).

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Man your right those are kinda ugly and goofy looking and the review sounded more like a infomercial than a review.


Maybe if he says good things he gets to keep them. :lol:


--R-R-R-Ronco Slot Protectors just set them and forget them :D

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Well, being me, if I were to have something given to me for free, heck yea, I would write a good review on it. But, to be honest... well, I'm a soft-hearted fellow, so I can't really be brutally honest... much ;). 'Scuse me while I go write an honest review on the K7N2G motherboard.

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yeah, you shgould tell the truth with reviews. but them slot covers look bad in light, but they look UV reactive, so i bet they look ok at night all lighted up. but then again whats the point if they look crapin the day!

they are actualy the most usless pieces or rubbish i have seen. that and them 5.25 bay cigarette lighters. stupid stuff!



P.S. doesnt that board look exactly the same as the amd board. DFI infinity!

Edited by yatstv

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When doing a review you should tell it like it is so the end user will be fore warned if the item is junk or good, if it means slammin a product vendor then so be it maybe it will help them learn to do better

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<_< it's not only that you get stuff for free, keeping a site running takes a bit of money, the manufacturers have a product to sell so for them this is advertisement right in the heart of the beast so atually "paying" a certain site to print word for word a review made by the company for an amount of money is normal,but not always the thruth , it's advertising ;)

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