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Who Hates Mac!?

Bboy Satch

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from what i have heard from my network admin, he says, the ram is custom made for a mac, and has to pass rigorus tests befor they even accept it.

not for the last 10 years. there is NO such thing as mac memory.




stuff look familiar?

Edited by bigred

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you have had to trouble shoot a mac right? THAT is the most horrific thing known to man!!! when something does go wrong it's so horrible I want to pull my hair out. and YESE I do happen to know how to use a mac. I actually had to spend time in class to get certified for MAC+ to work on the little turds.


the best one to deal with on a mac: go put memory in the "tech servicable bay" of an LCD imac... THEN we'll talk about annoying... flaming retard engineers at mac should be beat for what they came up with.

Yes, the iMacs in general are a ***** to fix up. Practically nothing you can do without voiding the warranty. But we've voided our CPU's warranty with OCing, so I guess that is no big dea :P.


Second, you shouldn't get too many error messages with Mac OS X if you don't screw around with it. I've gotten a few error messages on XP HE where it says crap about Something.DLL not finding Somethingelse.DLL not seeing Randomcrap.exe.... so they are about even. Though I admit that the error messages are painful in the Mac system, since you can't look up the error number and what it means...


Also, it is not MAC. MAC is Media Access Control, not Macintosh. Second, Media Access Control doesn't make Macs, Apple Computer Inc., does. Get your facts straight.


Finally, let's admit it, we're biased. I grew up with Macs, so I find them easier to use and therefore am leaning towards them more than Windows, whereas most of you grew up with Windows, and therefore have some lean towards Windows more than Macs.


Oh, and the Dual 2.5GHz G5 is about equal to the 3.2 GHz P4. Let's not forget short pipelines.

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Well first of all, you have to ask the mentality of putting a speaker inside the case. Potentially a good idea....but somewhat flawed in the long run. Then there's the expensive lampshade look. Where I once worked, the screen went bust. The machine was renedered useless until it was fixed. Even a laptop has a secondary output for when it gets its' screen bust!

To be fair though, they are usually well desinged and solidly built. And they do look nice.


Secondly, I'll hate Macs forever simply because of A really rubbish version of quicktime that wrapped my beloved Pentium III 800 up the wall so far i couldn't reach it.

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If that is some put down to the Mac, then I suppose you forgot that PCs have a power button too! GASP!


I think he means that when you press the power buttin it turns on, so a mac is all well and good until you turn it on.

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i think i heard the osx is cheeper then xp

well it might b to start out but u get updates all the time and u have to pay for them and not cheep like 100-150


i am not 100% on this but its what i have heard ,if i am wrong tell me but i think i heard it on screen savers a wial back

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I like macs for web browsing and graphis/web designs and art stuff


I like windows for games, adn all the programs not used with mac, if they made stuff that i wanted to use on mac i would, have one but they don't. I have like a 10 year old mac in my basement, never even connected to internet, has like100 MB of memory, its so Fing Acient, i swear the dust is older then my dad.


But like i said I like windows because there is so much more you can do with it, you can screw with its settings, customize its hardware, OC it, i mean what can't you do with windows?


well with Mac, its kinda a staright path with them.


So whatever

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And a .1 upgrade is not some itsy bitsy thing... the upgrade from 10.1 to 10.2 was like a new OS.


And let's not forget that OS X is made 64-bit for the G5. Windows isn't available as a 64-bit to the general public yet. Mac: 1 Windows: 0

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