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Atx With Pci Express?

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Are they going to have any ATX motherboards with PCI Express? I don't really want to get BTX but I want PCI Express so there is some upgradability.

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Well, I decided to just post in this thread rather than start a new one...


Now that ATI has officially launched the PCI Express cards, are the motherboards going to start to come out on the mainstream market? From the big name producers (Asus, DFI, Gigabyte etc)?


This technology is starting move further and further toward the end user, so I am excited to see what happens this summer!



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when did ati officially release the pci express cards? I didn't know that.



But to answer the first question, yes ATX will support pci-express i'm pretty sure, as amd said the new 739 socket 64's will support pci-express atx boards.

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here's a dual opteron board from iwill with pci-e 16x



syk, that says PCI-X which is NOT PCI-Express.



tsamb. thanks for the link...i actually got an email from ati about it but neglected to read it. heh.

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oh, okay, i see now, thanks.


btw, from what i've read at nvidia's site and stuff...they seem to have teamed up with intel to get pci-express boards, and on an nvidia site, for the question "What is PCI Express?", the following answer is given:


"A new Intel PC bus architecture that doubles the bandwidth of the AGP 8x bus, delivering over 4GB per second in both upstream and downstream data transfers."


Now, i know i've read that AMD will also be utilizing pci-express, so what gives? Do they have to license it from intel, similar to how intel has to license the 64bit processing from amd? I want to get an nvidia card and amd 64 processor....i'm hoping they work well together <_>

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I hope they do realease PCI-E on ATX mobo's. I really dont want BTX to be introduced, it means new everything! :(


Besides, what wrong with ATX? Can't they just mould their products around ATX?

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"A new Intel PC bus architecture that doubles the bandwidth of the AGP 8x bus, delivering over 4GB per second in both upstream and downstream data transfers."

that's probably just cause AMD and ATI are owning their respective areas of the market right now and they want to make it sound Intel did it all.. pshh next they will say that Al Gore created the internet...


..oh wait he already said that.

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