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Rma ?


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i received my rma'ed 9800 pro back from ati , their letter said that being that my card was modified , it violated the warrenty.

the mod' s were ram sinks.

i was able to remove them. (wish i would have tried that first, who knew ? :)

should i resend my card using the same rma no. or try to get a new one ??? :huh:

i mus'ta done a poor job on bonding my hs,s lucky me ;)

Edited by dling

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the card is registered to me via part, and serial no. how would changing the mailing add. make it seem like a different card's rma? :unsure:

Edited by dling

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video, has what looks like 60 cycle scan lines across the screen aswell as a large number of small rectangles.

you can bearley read anything.

has same problem on all three of our computers. :(

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i mus'ta done a poor job on bonding my hs,s lucky me

Yes it's probably a matter of luck


I think maybe you've done a poor job cleaning them off, i sent a fued up 9500 pro to them that i bought cheap on ebay it clearely had a diffrent HS on it and sinks, some epoxy was still on it when i received it, and it had cheap silvery stuff under the now original core HS i cleaned the whole thing toroughly and i even put AS ceramique (i tought they were going to see that )they sent me back a new one.

Hell they even said it had a 5 year warranty.

Sorry :(

Edited by kobalt

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i have'ent sent the card back after removeing the ram sinks , i first rma'ed the card w/the sinks in place, it was returned tome unrepaired , stating that the card

had been mod'ed. i was able to remove the ram sinks , i'll be sending it back today.

wish me luck. :) i payed almost 400.00 when the card first came out.

it,s a great card.

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Alright good luck man. Just make sure b4 you sent it, it doesnt look like there was any ramsinks on there. And oh by the way they keep a record of the parts the RMA'ed and looked at, so they proboly looked at urs and saved the serial in the database stating this card is modded. I dont think they will accept it but good luck.

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i called them on wensday to explain to that the ram sinks were not glued, but pasted on ( bit of a lie :rolleyes: ) when i gave the rma no. to the tech. support

guy he said : we sent you your rma no. on the 20th. our records show , he also ask me when did i send the card, so i said i had not sent it yet, that i just wanted to make sure i had the right address and would be sending it soon.

he said ok , and i said thanks. :)

so i'm hopping that they just looked at the card and noticed it was modded , and just returned it w/o doing anything. :)

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that would be so sweet :D

i have 3 computers , g-force 4 w/128 , 9700 pro , and 9800xt vid. cards.

i would like to get rid of the g- force 4, and replace it w/ 9800 pro. ;)

we'll see.

thanks for all the support. :)

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