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Well in two weeks i will be buying me Prescott hopefully and with out further interupptions. So i was wondering what else i should get besides the prescott, system in my sig and i was thinking maybe a new psu.. O and i already have my cooling..


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P4 2.8E Retail...........$180




Edited by Xtreme21

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I'm not sure about your cooling, but I hope its water.


You may wanna try to rig up some sinks for your mosfets and anything power related on your board. The Prescott not only runs hot, but it causes most motherboards to heat up the mosfets pretty quick and high. I had a hard time keeping my mine cool on my Max3 with OTES when running the Prescotts I had.

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Faster Ram??? Dude this ram is great, im planning on getting another 512 Kit runs lower latencies fine.. Yah i'm getting a 520W PSU heres link : http://www.newegg.com/app/ViewProductDesc....-148-009&depa=1 its the same company that made my current 420W PSU which is nice but i need more power.. Yah i was thinking about the whole heat issue and i dont know what im doing yet..

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I am just about to purchase that exact same PSU... Does anyone have past exp. with it? The price seems low for such a high output. I have Aspire's X Dreamer case and it is high quality. Does the same go with their PSUs?

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I am just about to purchase that exact same PSU... Does anyone have past exp. with it? The price seems low for such a high output. I have Aspire's X Dreamer case and it is high quality. Does the same go with their PSUs?

no the 12v lines suck on the aspires, they are not stable worth anything, and personally i think its stupid just to buy a psu based on its looks.

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one word Antec true power series!! simply one of the best PSU on the market. the true power has dedicated output circuitry what this means is that the 5,3.3 and 12 volt rails pull power serperatly no other Cpu on the market has this feature other guys put the 12 and 5 volt rails on the same circuitry.


the true 380 can be found for around 50 bucks and is well worth it. going with a low quality PSU can casue alot of headaches if the rails go south not to mention frying components like ram,cpu,video card.

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After seeing the release of nvidia's 6800, I would seriously consider getting a 480w PSU or higher. They're saying a 480W minimum to run the new video cards. I would hate to see you buy a 400W and then have to buy a new one later. Get an Antec or Enermax, but stick to 480W or higher. PSUs are like monitors, you should plan on having it through multiple systems.

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i would say a good quailty PSU 400watts or over should be fine for the 6800ultra unless you have gobs of drives and devices in your rig. look at the 200 and 250 watt sff PSU's running 9800xts with no problems. hard ocp used a 430watt enermax for there 6800ultra testing and found no problems. its not as if if you dont have a 480watt PSU the card wont run. now take a crappy psu with low amps and crappy rails and im sure it will take 480watts, but if you go with a true power or other high quaility PSU 400watts or more should be just fine

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