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^ gone to get food

< hasn't eaten in 8 hours :O

<< angry that he can't get his SCSI drive to work...

<<< is going to get some chocolate

<<<< just got his SCSI drive to work

<<<<< hates Windows XP, but can't get his SCSI drive to work with Windows 2000

V either likes Windows XP or Linux

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You can't compare Apples and oranges, its like comparing Intel and AMD. They're both fruits, and one sucks, and the other rules. Only you can decide which is which thou.


^Won't like that statement

<Loves it

V will eat an int...i mean, orange. :P

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^ Will have really bad indigestion problems eating an Intel 'despite' the brand of milk :P


< Isn't overly fond of milk... thinks Dr. Pepper & Vegemite rule :D


v Will say Vegemite tastes like fertilizer, bringing one question to mind... how do they know what fertilizer tastes like? :lol::blink:

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^ lives in a aland of spiders, scorpions, and poisonous snakes.


< has never tasted fertilizer, but has made little bombs with it.


< is gonna blow up V's with one of them :lol:

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