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I might buy a 5970

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How many times do I have to say I don't want a used card? If it's not a refurb it's got to be new. You guys ruin the fun AND make me feel stupid afterwards.


Thanks, I'm done with occ

From my experience, used cards fare better than refurbs. Refurbs, something went bad with it before. They may have fixed the damaged part, but not the underlying problem.


We're only trying to help. If you go somewhere else, they'll either give you bad advice, or pretty much tell you the same thing. If you wanted refurb suggestions, I could have directed you to EVGA's B-stock or ASUS reconditioned cards at Newegg.



So your experience should trump all and send everyone packing away from OCC?


Come down off your high horse -- if the guy doesn't want to go that route -- he doesn't want to. You've done your horse and pony show for why you think he should. He still doesn't want to. If you can't offer what he wants just be done with it. 



I don't send people packing. From my time here, I believe you and Waco do that fine on your own with your attitude and personal opinions that differ from others. I offer alternative advice I'd give to family members and friends, and if I'm giving advice not from my personal experience, then who's experience should I be giving advice from?


The only reason you may want to feel bad about buying the 960 is that you did so on the same day that they announced a 4gb version. :)


I can understand not wanting to buy an used card, you really are taking a pretty expensive risk in the long run. Like Waco, I have had some pretty good experiences and a few bad ones. Hell I even got a shitty card from someone on here and I just didn't feel like dealing with it so I never even said anything because the only thing worse than getting screwed over is having to waste more time sorting it out.


I wouldn't feel bad with the GTX 960. It's a new card, has warranty, and will do just about everything you'd probably want it to. If not, you've got a 30-day return policy. If it's via Amazon, you wouldn't have to pay a restocking fee.


Everyone has difference buy/sell/trade experiences. I've got burned as a seller, and a buyer. Either way, refurb's are also used cards, they've just been RMA'd and had their issues fixed by the manufacturer.

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How many times do I have to say I don't want a used card? If it's not a refurb it's got to be new. You guys ruin the fun AND make me feel stupid afterwards.


Thanks, I'm done with occ

From my experience, used cards fare better than refurbs. Refurbs, something went bad with it before. They may have fixed the damaged part, but not the underlying problem.


We're only trying to help. If you go somewhere else, they'll either give you bad advice, or pretty much tell you the same thing. If you wanted refurb suggestions, I could have directed you to EVGA's B-stock or ASUS reconditioned cards at Newegg.



So your experience should trump all and send everyone packing away from OCC?


Come down off your high horse -- if the guy doesn't want to go that route -- he doesn't want to. You've done your horse and pony show for why you think he should. He still doesn't want to. If you can't offer what he wants just be done with it. 



I don't send people packing. From my time here, I believe you and Waco do that fine on your own with your attitude and personal opinions that differ from others. I offer alternative advice I'd give to family members and friends, and if I'm giving advice not from my personal experience, then who's experience should I be giving advice from?


No. I don't think Waco nor I tend to send people away.


You just can't seem to let up when someone has made their decision and gone with it. When they've asked you to stop -- stop. Is it really that hard for you to not have your way?

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How many times do I have to say I don't want a used card? If it's not a refurb it's got to be new. You guys ruin the fun AND make me feel stupid afterwards.


Thanks, I'm done with occ

From my experience, used cards fare better than refurbs. Refurbs, something went bad with it before. They may have fixed the damaged part, but not the underlying problem.


We're only trying to help. If you go somewhere else, they'll either give you bad advice, or pretty much tell you the same thing. If you wanted refurb suggestions, I could have directed you to EVGA's B-stock or ASUS reconditioned cards at Newegg.



So your experience should trump all and send everyone packing away from OCC?


Come down off your high horse -- if the guy doesn't want to go that route -- he doesn't want to. You've done your horse and pony show for why you think he should. He still doesn't want to. If you can't offer what he wants just be done with it. 



I don't send people packing. From my time here, I believe you and Waco do that fine on your own with your attitude and personal opinions that differ from others. I offer alternative advice I'd give to family members and friends, and if I'm giving advice not from my personal experience, then who's experience should I be giving advice from?


No. I don't think Waco nor I tend to send people away.


You just can't seem to let up when someone has made their decision and gone with it. When they've asked you to stop -- stop. Is it really that hard for you to not have your way?



Lol, ok.


I did let up. I told him I wouldn't feel bad about his choice. If he tries it and doesn't like it, he has an option to return it for something else. If we all wanted to be nice and let him have his way, we would have just told him to get a refurb 5970, but quite a few people steered him away from that, not just me.

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How many times do I have to say I don't want a used card? If it's not a refurb it's got to be new. You guys ruin the fun AND make me feel stupid afterwards.


Thanks, I'm done with occ


I just don't know why it had to come down to this.

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Keep this on topic, everyone. Any disagreement take it up in a PM, not the open forum.


Rule 2 says to be respectful, so remember that. Don't bash Gabriel's decision to get a GTX 960 because you don't like it and would rather sell him a used card. Some people simply don't want to deal with used, especially since there's no guarantee it will be working properly if it was messed with.



Respect Gabriel's decision, don't bash it, or this topic will get closed.

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At any rate, I apologize, GabrielTessin. If it seemed like I was offending you with your decision, I really wasn't trying to do that. I respect everyone here, despite our differences of opinion, which is why OCC is such a great community.


I'm always up for seeing results, too. If that thing cranks up to 1598MHz like this guy's, it'll be pretty sweet.


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Ok I'm back! I swore off OCC for a total of 3 hours lol. I have had a pretty rough couple of weeks at work and I blame myself for losing my cool.

I ended up buying the best 960 I could find (in my eyes atleast). It reminds me so much of my old 9600 GT when I talk about it.


I ended up with a MSI GTX 960 Limited Edition ME. I found a decent deal on it too. 



Reasons are as follows:

MSI claims overclocking is covered under the warranty for this graphics card. I might be reading that wrong though.

It has a back-plate and will fit in my case without any modification. The big Gigabyte card wont fit as well.

It has a 8 pin connector instead of a 6 pin. It puts the max power closer to 150 than the 130 the 6 pin is specced for.

Most of the MSI 960's seem to hit 1550mhz pretty easily. I want to go to there.

It's damn pretty and has lights on it and shiny things are better than not shiny things



At any rate, I apologize, GabrielTessin. If it seemed like I was offending you with your decision, I really wasn't trying to do that. I respect everyone here, despite our differences of opinion, which is why OCC is such a great community.


I'm always up for seeing results, too. If that thing cranks up to 1598MHz like this guy's, it'll be pretty sweet.

Apology accepted. Sometimes it feels like everyone is against you even when they aren't. I am hoping for a similar OC. I do appreciate the honest opinions about the 5970 though, I'm glad I didn't buy that turd.

From my experience, used cards fare better than refurbs. Refurbs, something went bad with it before. They may have fixed the damaged part, but not the underlying problem.


We're only trying to help. If you go somewhere else, they'll either give you bad advice, or pretty much tell you the same thing. If you wanted refurb suggestions, I could have directed you to EVGA's B-stock or ASUS reconditioned cards at Newegg.


For me I don't mind a refurb, someone went through the trouble to fix, test, and re-certify the graphics card. I always run the absolute shit out of a new component just to make sure it works under the highest load I can through at it.

I went through newegg's reconditioned stuff more than once, I didn't find anything worth purchasing for the prices they wanted. EVGA's sight is pretty bare as well. I may have missed something though.


I just don't know why it had to come down to this.

I'm over it now :D I was having a shitty day at work and read the newest posts. I was hoping other people would be excited for me here. It's not like anyone I work with cares about computer stuff. I started pretty raw but looking back it's kind of silly. I like it here.

Can't wait to see some results...is it here yet Gabriel? 

Naw, I just ordered it. I didn't feel like wasting anymore money on fast shipping so expect around this time next week for it. I will make a new thread regardless of how it does. I do expect some nice overclocks out of it.

Still eww man, why?!

This post me got me on the road to frown town. It seemed nice until you shit all over it.


People who want advice, should be able to handle good advice and not take stuff personally...I'm just leaving it at that...

I did take it, thank you for steering me away from the 5970. However everything else you had to say was I should get a used graphics card. I stated about 5 times that I wanted a new one or atleast a refurb. I have been burned by private sellers multiple times and I wanted some piece of mind. After the 5970 and some advise on ATI cards your didn't offer anything helpful.

So thank you, I guess. I thought we were friends dude.

The only reason you may want to feel bad about buying the 960 is that you did so on the same day that they announced a 4gb version. :)


I can understand not wanting to buy an used card, you really are taking a pretty expensive risk in the long run. Like Waco, I have had some pretty good experiences and a few bad ones. Hell I even got a shitty card from someone on here and I just didn't feel like dealing with it so I never even said anything because the only thing worse than getting screwed over is having to waste more time sorting it out.

I don't wait for tech, if in a month the 4gb card proves massively better than the 2gb one I might have to send it in for an exchange. Literally the week after I bought my i5 750 the 760 went on sale. It's just the way it is, it doesn't bother me a bit.

If all I do is wait for the new stuff to come out I wont ever buy anything. I'm still using an HD 5770, no more waiting FULL STUPID AHEAD! :D


I have had problems before, more times than I would like actually. That was before the days of bitcoin mining, I wouldn't trust any used ATI card for a few years actually. They all seem to get road hard and put away wet.



Holy multiquote batman!

Edited by GabrielTessin

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Still eww man, why?!

This post me got me on the road to frown town. It seemed nice until you shit all over it.

Sorry it wasn't more constructive, I meant to follow up but ended up getting busy...


People who want advice, should be able to handle good advice and not take stuff personally...I'm just leaving it at that...

I did take it, thank you for steering me away from the 5970. However everything else you had to say was I should get a used graphics card. I stated about 5 times that I wanted a new one or atleast a refurb. I have been burned by private sellers multiple times and I wanted some piece of mind. After the 5970 and some advise on ATI cards your didn't offer anything helpful.


So thank you, I guess. I thought we were friends dude.

I was just confused why you were considering getting a sub par refurb with limited warranty when you could get a better used card with likely more warranty (as it seems that most manufacturers nowadays have serial based warranties, which means you can maybe have a couple months to a year or years left depending on when the seller bought it and how new it is). THAT'S what I meant to recommend, you're looking at used cards as too black and white and shouldn't automatically discard them (in the future?) because they hold serious value for someone on a budget with a keen eye.


That being said the 960 will serve you well, and I hope it's a killer clocker to improve its value during its time with you.


I hope it's all water under the bridge now though, just wanted to clarify that nothing I said was meant negatively nor did I mean to hurt any friendships here.

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Sorry it wasn't more constructive, I meant to follow up but ended up getting busy...


I was just confused why you were considering getting a sub par refurb with limited warranty when you could get a better used card with likely more warranty (as it seems that most manufacturers nowadays have serial based warranties, which means you can maybe have a couple months to a year or years left depending on when the seller bought it and how new it is). THAT'S what I meant to recommend, you're looking at used cards as too black and white and shouldn't automatically discard them (in the future?) because they hold serious value for someone on a budget with a keen eye.


That being said the 960 will serve you well, and I hope it's a killer clocker to improve its value during its time with you.


I hope it's all water under the bridge now though, just wanted to clarify that nothing I said was meant negatively nor did I mean to hurt any friendships here.

I tend to use my components WAY past the actual warranty period anyways. Every time I see a super good deal on a used graphics card I can't help but think "whats wrong with that basically new component and why is it so cheap". 

I don't want to deal with it if it is too good to be true. Last time I did an RMA successfully it was pretty easy, I love newegg.


I also seem to have bad luck dealing with companies on Warranty's in general. I'm looking at you XFX, double lifetime warranty my ass!

The refurbished part was just me looking for a smokin deal, the wife and I talked about it and she would rather I spend my money on something worthwhile and new.


Personal issues on my part didn't help anything.

No hard feelings.

Edited by GabrielTessin

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