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New R9 270x, bad FPS...

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I just purchased a XFX Double D R9 270x 2gb to replace the PNY 9600GT 512mb. I have removed all the Nvidia drivers, installed the most current Catalyst drivers, but I'm still seeing the same FPS in World of Warcraft. I haven't had an opportunity to test other games yet, but the Windows rating jumped from a 6.8 to a 7.9 for graphics.


AMD Athlon II x3 3.2ghz

6gb DDR3-10333

I don't have the MoBo specs with me at work, but I know the PCI-E slot supports x16 speeds

Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit


Nothing is overcloked, all settings are stock

Any ideas or thoughts would be greatly appreciated.

Edited by StumpFuMaster

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I think your CPU is the bottleneck here, as MMO's such as WoW tend to be CPU-intensive. You should definitely try out some other games just to make sure it's not a problem with your gpu or drivers.

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Same at Good settings like the 9600GT(40-50fps in Halfhill, ~25fps in the Shrine), absolute crap when running the recommended High settings(34fps in Halfhill, ~15fps in Shrine)


WoW recommends High settings on most options, I reduced several of them trying to get FPS to increase, no dice.


Its running in DX11 mode, which should take advantage of all three cores on the CPU? I didn't have a chance to try running it in DX9 to see if that made a difference. Going from DX9 to DX11 on the 9600gt gained me ~3fps.


Previously was running an Athlon x2 9600 w/ 4gb DDR2-800 and the 9600GT, was gifted the new CPU/MoBo when we upgraded one of the PCs at church.


Could it be a BIOS issue in the MoBo?

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looks like the others are right, WOW is CPU bound, check out this link WOW CPU Benchmark.


edit: I dont know what video card they are using in the benchmark but I remembering building a wow rig for my friend and only getting 50fps with a 2600k (max setttings) and I was getting over 70 using a 3960k with the same video card.

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I got no documentation with the mobo, but the BIOS way more options for overclocking that expected. Until I get the scratch for the new components, I'll look into unlocking the other core.


Which poses a question: if the mobo doesn't support native core unlocking, is there a software option that is recommended?

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