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Budget Gaming Build


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So my old q6600 is no longer performing the way I want it to, so it is time for a new rig.


My budget on this is only around 500, so I am already way over budget.


How does the build look?  http://pcpartpicker.com/p/1Zyyw


I could drop the SSD to save some money, but I wouldn't really apply it to upgrade anything (maybe to a 8350, but probably not).


I honestly won't OC it, I just want something that will last me 2-3 years.


edit: case will be an old antec 300 I have, and the psu is a 750w corsair.

Edited by sparkyftw

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1: if you are not overclocking it, then why such an enthusiast motherboard?

    Get a budget board if you are on a budget, and/or go for a quadcore from amd to save a lot of money, 6+ cores wont be needed for quite some time

2: 16 gb ram is nice but way overkill and that memory is WAY to expensive!

3: the R9 270 wont last you 3 years if you want to game decently @1080P unless you are willing to go medium/low on all settings for future games.

4: that ssd is not necessary, especially if you are on a budget.


Just putting it out there ;P


here is a list i made, i left the storage out so you can tinker about that, but this is what i would have made if i was on a tight budget and not planning on overclocking:



Edited by WarWeeny

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Thanks for the advice.  I looked at what you had, and I still wanted to the 8 cores, but that was more of just because I could.


I switched to the HD7970 and dropped the ram down to 8 gb to keep the 8 core cpu.  I went with a cheaper board too.


I ordered a 250gb SSD too using my old dell account, so I will pay for that over time.  Not the best idea but I wanted it for the build up front.

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why 8 real cores? Intels CPU may only have 4 real ones but outperform AMD most of the time.


What type of times are you going to be playing?


I hope the New York times, that time is amazing! xD





I don't think it matters on the moment what kind of games he is going to play, since we don't know if the next generation of games actually NEED 4 cores or more to play it smoothly.

If anything, a 4.0ghz quad-core should suffice for a long time and if he actually NEEDS that 8 core in the future, he can always put an 8350 in there as an upgrade base.

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you could shave a few bucks off with this


use the promo code, and save even more, get a cheaper cpu, and still be able to overclock if you want to...

and then there's the open box options...i'm sure you could whittle the cost of this build down some more with some serious shopping...

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why 8 real cores? Intels CPU may only have 4 real ones but outperform AMD most of the time.


What type of times are you going to be playing?


I hope the New York times, that time is amazing! xD





I don't think it matters on the moment what kind of games he is going to play, since we don't know if the next generation of games actually NEED 4 cores or more to play it smoothly.

If anything, a 4.0ghz quad-core should suffice for a long time and if he actually NEEDS that 8 core in the future, he can always put an 8350 in there as an upgrade base.


Check the CPU usage on BF4 yet? 

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why 8 real cores? Intels CPU may only have 4 real ones but outperform AMD most of the time.


What type of times are you going to be playing?

I hope the New York times, that time is amazing! xD





I don't think it matters on the moment what kind of games he is going to play, since we don't know if the next generation of games actually NEED 4 cores or more to play it smoothly.

If anything, a 4.0ghz quad-core should suffice for a long time and if he actually NEEDS that 8 core in the future, he can always put an 8350 in there as an upgrade base.

Check the CPU usage on BF4 yet?
Uhoh, is there something we should know about frank ?

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I didn't think this would turn into such a discussion!


As for the games that I am playing, mostly things on steam, with the newest being borderlands 2.  I want to be able to play BF4, CoD, Assasin's Creed, and other future games like that.


Graphics isn't the top priority, but I would like to get the best bang for the buck.  If this rig doesn't really perform how I want, I will just hand it down to my girlfriend and build something that will work more like I want.  She doesn't play too many graphics heavy games, mostly just wants to be able to play co-op with me and do some digital art work stuff.

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why 8 real cores? Intels CPU may only have 4 real ones but outperform AMD most of the time.


What type of times are you going to be playing?


I hope the New York times, that time is amazing! xD





I don't think it matters on the moment what kind of games he is going to play, since we don't know if the next generation of games actually NEED 4 cores or more to play it smoothly.

If anything, a 4.0ghz quad-core should suffice for a long time and if he actually NEEDS that 8 core in the future, he can always put an 8350 in there as an upgrade base.


Check the CPU usage on BF4 yet? 



Well i really like to, but my 7600GT isn't really what you call bf4 material  :lol:

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