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Thought the Microsoft announcement said they might bring back some, not all?

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Thought the Microsoft announcement said they might bring back some, not all?


From what I read, it sounded like they were implying "post release".  Would you want to buy a device that allowed used games and then get an update 6 months later that suspends that feature.  I think that is what the fear is right now.

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I'm going to laugh even harder if this petitioner is serious:

I love restrictions. I want always online DRM. I want the game rental business to become obsolete. I don't want to let my friends borrow games, because fuck them. All I care about is my god damn new age console that'll blow everything else out of the water! Fuck the PS4 and fuck those Sony guys for catering to fans who care about their gaming experience. Fuck PC, that shit is stupid. Steam? Fuck that shit. They never have sales or anything. It's not as affordable as buying my games from the XBL marketplace. I love Microsoft and their business practices will be the best forever. Fuck yes. <3 Xbox.

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That reply to the petition is just flat out brilliant, I love it!  What's better?  The replies thinking that guy is serious and getting wound up over it. :lol:


The petitioner has the same avatar as AZNguyen.  Dat puddy.

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Thought the Microsoft announcement said they might bring back some, not all?


From what I read, it sounded like they were implying "post release".  Would you want to buy a device that allowed used games and then get an update 6 months later that suspends that feature.  I think that is what the fear is right now.



We don't know what they're are planning, so can't really comment

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That reply to the petition is just flat out brilliant, I love it!  What's better?  The replies thinking that guy is serious and getting wound up over it. :lol:


The petitioner has the same avatar as AZNguyen.  Dat puddy.

Yeah I saw that too, thought maybe he created (though i think that post I quoted may have been written by Guest_Jim since he's one of the only people on here that found nothing wrong Microsoft's plans for the XB1)

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 Don't think anyone from OCC wrote that petition, and if they did they probably would make a post here asking people to sign it.


 Also I don't think the person who wrote that petition has a good understanding of what Microsoft's plan was.  Seeing the few people supporters in those comments (most were signing it as a joke) see the word Steam and believe it... wow.  It's nothing like Steam.   The original design limited sharing up to 10 "family" members.   You could a trade a game to a friend/family member 1 time, that's it.   Oh and by the way, if the petitioner does read these forums... Microsoft said it might bring family sharing at a later date.   That was pretty much the only good thing in that "Steam clone" system.  I think you will still be able to sell back digital bought games ...but that deserves researching and would be the other nice feature.


The fact Microsoft thought many of those ideas were good just proves they don't understand the console gaming market.. AT ALL.


I didn't see it myself but all my friends said Microsoft spent most of the time talking about what the XBone will do with your TV and not much at all on what their system will do for the true customers - core gamers.  Even the ones I talked to who were actually excited about the XBox didn't get the message that XBox said they were trying to communicate.   So blame Sony all you want for taking advantage of it, but it's not Sony's fault.   I called out this scenario probably a year ago.


Lots of annoyed gamers right now.  Gonna be hard for Microsoft to win them back.  Sometimes you need to fall flat on your face so you get back up and do a better job.  I'm sure the PS3 was deemed a failure to Sony - they have high expectations of themselves.   Look at the PS4.  It pretty much gives everything that gamers want (outside of being free) and has already won the console war before being released.   Third party developers know which console to pick now.  All Sony has to do is not piss them off and they can win this no prob.   Nintendo has fallen on their face, Sony's fall wasn't as bad but they still fell on theirs, and now its Microsoft's turn.   XBone will still do better than the Wii U, but that really won't be much of an accomplishment.



Yeah I saw that too, thought maybe he created (though i think that post I quoted may have been written by Guest_Jim since he's one of the only people on here that found nothing wrong Microsoft's plans for the XB1)


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  • 2 weeks later...

So I guess MS is changing things around again, as the Xbox One is now going to support self-publishing for indie devs.



"Our vision is that every person can be a creator," Xbox chief product officer Marc Whitten said in a statement. "That every Xbox One can be used for development. That every game and experience can take advantage of all of the features of Xbox One and Xbox Live."
"This means self-publishing," he said. "This means Kinect, the cloud, achievements. This means great discoverability on Xbox Live. We'll have more details on the program and the timeline at Gamescom in August."

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Xbox One's cloud offers 600% more AI capability in Forza 5. Sounds nice considering that the ai was dumb in 4(or is ai bumping into me part of the sim experience?), but how will the cloud and internet affect the response time?



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